EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 247

And in a notebook, write it down?
What for? To make notes:))) Explain the problem to Gabriovik, you know that.

And in a notebook, write it down?

Grandfather was a sniper in the forests of Kovel?

Me, me, naturlich:)))
Strangerr, have a look at your personal message.

Hi all...

I'm still buying... If we go below the yellow line, we could go down to 1.29 - 1.28... But I myself stand in the buys and this month I expect a rise to 36 - 37 .... the next days will clarify the situation .... rallied above 1.3150 .... although last week's view was that a corridor of 3150 - 2800 for August .... Didn't count on going above 3150 - 3180 at the beginning of August...

but the yen and the dollar might be going up .... yesterday I bought some to start with...

but not sure .... decided to try ... now at historical lows .... place just not bad for buying .... will be watching...

Strangerr, have a look at your personal message.
What's there to look at, I can see from here that there are zero messages.
I am watching you very closely:) on the Eurobucks you are probably right to buy, but on the Yenobucks I do not understand your position, the downward trend is obvious, but for some reason you have decided that now it will go up, but now it will break the minimum and it will go down so fast that where you bought it will seem, if you are lucky, the middle of the downward movement. psychologically you are a trend-follower, so why cheat yourself, wait at least for the first incoming wave up (the first crimson one in your picture), then on its correction put a buy stop on its top and slowly lower it until the beginning of the second wave takes over the order.
Here, oleniknik, and you are already being followed:)))

but the yen and the dollar might move up .... yesterday I bought some to start with ...

In the yen I'm also looking at a buying position with a target of 90...
On the yen I'm also looking at a buying position with a target of 90...
I would not buy the yen this week. I think it will close the week at about 85.70.

for today - something like this....