EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1873

When I make a deal I am not interested in anyone's opinion, I have enough of my own opinion and experience. And when reading serious information, you have to alternate with light-hearted information to defuse it.

I didn't write about you :)))))
When I make a deal I am not interested in anyone's opinion, I have enough of my own opinion and experience. And when reading serious information, you have to alternate with light-hearted information to defuse it.

MT5: "So, what have we got so far! Almost 500 people now watching the eur/usd topic and 1.5 million for all time. Let's finally tell people the truth - where 'It' will go"
Can I have a link to the quote?

Message 35708

There it is.
If the people in 55% of the world population think like that, the American currency will go over 1.60. Considering that the currency is not backed by real commodities, let alone gold, if a strike starts in Saudi Arabia on the 11th, the oil strike will crush the dollar to the ceiling, and it may come as a surprise to many as they did not expect the collapse of the USSR. Just as Mubarak was removed quickly, unexpectedly and easily. I give you a target at 1.45-1.60-1.70 on the 15th of March. On the monthly I see a flag with an exit up . But if this rise is a cork from champagne or a sword from Chapaev's scabbard, it is a question for the oil providers. You are sitting on the world's powder keg. I'm preparing a flurry of information for tomorrow in the topic - The Butterfly Effect or the Middle East - maybe someone lifted it (where the last phrase implies or is it a hangman).

Why, does everyone remember this moment?

We've been waiting for the sequel, too, and here it is:


MT5: "So what have we got so far! Almost 500 people now watching the eur/usd theme and 1.5 million for all time. Let's finally tell people the truth - where 'It' will go"

Panic is setting in...soon we need to buy bucks))))))

Looks like gold set to beat December's high today...

MT5: "So what have we got so far! Almost 500 people now watching the eur/usd theme and 1.5 million for all time. Let's finally tell people the truth - where "It" will go"
How do you look at this week closing with a "tombstone"?

MT5: "So what have we got so far! Almost 500 people now looking at the eur/usd theme and 1.5 million for all time. Let's finally tell people the truth - where "It" will go"


Panic is setting in...soon we need to buy bucks))))))
