EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1763


I accidentally pulled Gunn's lines, and this is what came up.

That's probably where we'll be staying for now.

There's no sign of Gunn.
2011.02.18 21:03:23 '2992382': order was opened : #105720491 sell 1.70 EURUSD at 1.36362 sl: 1.37125 tp: 1.35625

Previous trade closed at Takei

Robot or Hand?

And Russia has been on the same list for some time now)))

An expensive dollar hinders the development of US industry and agriculture.

My relatives are in the car business and buy parts in the US. We went there with dollars, and they said that they did not need dollars, so let's give them euros. They have the same attitude to the dollar as we had to the rouble in the late 80s and early 90s.


2011.02.18 21:03:23 '2992382': order was opened : #105720491 sell 1.70 EURUSD at 1.36362 sl: 1.37125 tp: 1.35625

The previous deal closed on the take side

Robot or hands?
Bot. See TSR - Reanimation of Trading Systems attached on page 1
My relatives are in the car business and buy parts in the US. We went there with dollars, but they said that they didn't need dollars - give us euros
Everyone has their own values, we sell the eur on the way up;)
My relatives are in the car business and buy parts in the US. We went there with dollars and they said that they didn't need dollars - let's buy euros.

Perhaps they are waiting for the dollar to fall, I can't find any other explanation.

Or they buy parts in Europe and immediately sell them for euros to avoid extra hassle with currency conversion))))

probably waiting for the dollar to fall, I can't find any other explanation.
It has been going on for the last two years. They have a similar attitude to the dollar as we had to the rouble in the late 80s and early 90s. They say the dollars are a bargain.
This has been going on for the last two years. They have about the same attitude to the dollar as we had to the rouble in the late 80s and early 90s.
If it follows our scenario, a repeat of the '30s in the US cannot be avoided)))
If this goes our way, a repeat of the 1930s will be unavoidable for the US)))

Vanga's final prediction:

- America's downfall,

- Russia - prosperity,

- Ukraine - grace and tranquility

