EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1525

Cool euwra did a great job :)
Nice one on the euras :)

The Japanese did their best :-)

They had their credit rating downgraded now, so she went down - the rest of the crosses are by the law of communicating vessels.

The Japanese did their best :-)
More like the Chinese... some news is flying around
Cool euro did a great job :)
Yeah :), check out the euro yen
More like the Chinese... some news is flying around on them
chinese have nothing to do with it
I think that's what I understood from the description of the models in the program. Let's see.
I don't know the name, I can't find it on the net.
The downward breakout is, in my view, false. A news spike.
Please specify the name, the internet can't find it
The downward breakout is, in my view, false. A news spike.
Yeah, it looks like it... but the 3643 target was almost reached before it was reached at the last hour 6 points
The downward breakout is, in my view, false. News spike.

1.3680 - channel will break up again yesterday's story. Looks like an intervention in the yen, the main thing is to stand in the right direction! (Japs will not give up till they catch up with their level - I think they want it to 84 -85) (:D RY: The GBP/JPY and EUR/JPY show drawdown now +)