What happened to Doe last night? - page 17


So we figured it out.

It turns out that if you hit the water with a crowbar, you end up with a black hole.


Futures Trading Commission chief Gary Gensler said at a congressional hearing on Tuesday that about 9 per cent of sales in the minutes before the fall were to one trader. He was selling derivatives known as 500 e-mini futures contracts. According to Gensler, while the other 250 traders were simultaneously selling and buying securities, this player was only selling. And as soon as all his orders went through, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange index began to fall.

Nibbler >>:

вот и разобрались

Don't read Soviet newspapers...

Mathemat, we corresponded in different threads, but I think it would be more relevant here

I looked up "what's going on overseas" : http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTOE64D00620100514

And what is amazing, the news from Tokyo, the yen is the only currency that didn't fall against all the European currencies yesterday, so what will happen to the yen? Will the yen hold the whole market? Oh, yeah, there is also a variant of a sudden strengthening of the European currencies - another bad news from America, which hasn't happened for a while. But still and "the yen will be shaken out", i.e. brought in line with the current market.

Are you hoping to predict the price for the next day? The price, or the movement of this price, can be seen only in the current session, and the more intense the session began (candlesticks are not included), the more certain that the trend will continue, the only thing that confuses the cards - if the fall of a pair is intensive, the correction is intensive, but the reversal - just not realistic.

So what drives the markets, maybe the economy? Or maybe it is the news = mood, which is spoiled by the new entries of the real players represented by the state banks. It is impossible to predict the time of formation of a new price for any currency, and here is where "they went" during the current trading and at what speed it is possible to suggest a bounce from a bottom of the currency, but to take on the bounce is a very bold idea.

And what we saw yesterday in forex is the real picture of the crisis :) . By the way, what I noticed long ago, as soon as they start "asking and answering the question and what will happen to the ruble" on TV and say, well, to make purchases in the domestic market .... . or a statement by top government officials:" ... I keep my savings in rubles only", the ruble is getting cheaper and cheaper on purpose, and then there are tales about the strength of the ruble and, bad luck - oil has fallen in price, and then bad luck - oil has grown in price, but the ruble has not grown

The market sentiment is the basis of price movements - if the media trumpets about another injection in the euro, it is up, and then back down again, if the media trumpets about formation of a coalition in the UK, it is up, and then down. There is no way the news can move the huge hole that has appeared in the market for a long time. This news can be replaced by other news that will send the market in the other direction.

But to play in forex, without currency prediction, just by "the next figure" without seeing correction, imho - just stupid

I do not know how, but I keep getting richer and richer at the pound, the main thing is to get it in time, and you know why - because yesterday the pound was flying - the conclusion is obvious - it is "very easy" and everyone is pulling it now - yen and gold :)))))))))))))))))))))

By the way, who's a real mql-programmer - I think I have a good idea for a Championship or a normal EA, that can tell the difference between trend change and correction, though imho - it's stupid to hope that the EA will understand what's going on in the market, but if you run it in the right direction, it may well collect the dough


We've already realised that you're "getting rich and richer" and are perfectly capable of "collecting dough", and what's amazing, news from Tokyo :)

But why tell everyone in every thread about it? It's actually about the fall of the Dow.

IgorM >>:

ну так Грааль существует? если вникнуть в смысл увиденного? между прочим, кто настоящий програмер mql - думаю у меня есть неплохая мысль для чемпионата ну или нормального советника, который может отличить изменение тренда от коррекции, хотя имхо - глупо надеяться, что советник поймет, что творится на рынке, ну а если его запускать, в нужном направлении, то он прекрасно может собирать бабки

Real mql programmers have real rates too, but you're already "rich" and half a grand for implementing a "not bad idea" won't bother you at all. Yes? No?
timbo >>:
У настоящих програмистов mql и расценки настоящие, но ведь ты уже "разбогател", и пол-штуки грина за реализацию "неплохой идеи" тебя абсолютно не напрягут. Да? Нет?

Why? I do it very well with my hands :), I just came to the computer, put 4 orders, each with a TP of 30.0 and took 25-30 min and left.

ZS: the pound has stopped - probably is strengthening, the euro is still flying by corrections - it means a fall, the franc also seems to piss off

IgorM >>:

а зачем? у меня прекрасно руками получается :), подошел к компу - выставил 4 ордера, каждый с ТР 30.0 взял за 25-30 мин и ушел, а программы я и сам пишу когда не лень

You better know why, you asked for a "real programmer". Took 30 pips and went to the shop to trade it in. Yes? No?

Your puppyish enthusiasm in all the threads is really tiring. Put at least a couple of grand in your account, get a real whiff of powder, then you can talk about corrections.

IgorM >>:

а зачем? у меня прекрасно руками получается :), подошел к компу - выставил 4 ордера, каждый с ТР 30.0 взял за 25-30 мин и ушел, а программы я и сам пишу когда не лень

ЗЫ: фунт остановился - наверно укрепляется, евра еще летает на коррекциях - значит падает, франку тож видимо писец

I've been wanting to ask

Why did you crop your avatar?


))) A. Stalin had an article - "Vertigo of Success". It talks about the initial stage of a trader's development... Buggahaha!!!))

And so, all other things being equal, the trend (hello, timbo!) remains the same until proven otherwise. Such is the case...

I don't know if it was mentioned or not... But this correction was expected for a very long time, and there are notions that everything happens in due time, it exists... all of them and their reactions on the charts can be calculated in the chart itself when it happens. That's why this correction was expected too long, so it worked fast.)