What happened to Doe last night? - page 12

Blasted gambler.
how many new words you can learn in one evening :)
DDFedor >>:

ничуть. планктон тоже нужен. а ну-ка, уберите-ка из пищевой цепочки планктон... все киты подохнут! :)

So, dear friends! You decide plankton or parasite! I mean small fish or liverworm! :)

IgorM писал(а) >>

Forex trader with a deposit under 100k = parasite --> that's us = parasites :)

speculators are all parasites and yet a useful/inseparable part of the food chain)))

Avals >>:

упрощать индустрию не надо. Это не сеть гэмблеров с автоматами)))
...... Но объем денег в этой индустрии ограничен ликвидностью создаваемой более крупной рыбой. ......

Well... big fish... fishermen, they're just as automated as clingers. They're better than that. The trader who made a mistake and made a couple of billions, may turn out to be written in Java. ;)

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Well... big fish... fishermen, they're just as automated as clingers. They're better than that. The trader who made a mistake and made a couple of billions, may turn out to be written in Java. ;)

Do you represent this industry? Or do you think the scalping stickler had a few hundred yards to sell on that day, when on others for normal sticking he couldn't master a hundredth of it?
What gets automated is what requires super fast response times and a first-mover advantage in execution.
MetaDriver >>:

Дык этта... крупная рыба .. рыбаки, оне ж никак не хуже прилипал автоматизированы. Скорее уж получше. Трейдер который так удачно ошибся, наварив пару милиардов, на проверку может оказаться написанным на яве. ;)

Does your language prevent you from fixing a thought?

At least in PL/1...

How about lua? MQl4...


The situation on the minutes:

Does anyone know of a fall at this rate in history? The bulk of the fall - from 10458 to 9873, i.e. almost 600 points, or 5.6% - was done in 5 minutes and seconds. And this, mind you, is not a fall of a single stock, but a fall of the Dow Index. I don't know what was in 87 or 01 (no minutes), but this case seems to be unprecedented.
Avals >>:
вы представляете эту индустрию? Или вы думаете что у скальпирующего прилипалы было несколько сот ярдов для продажи в этот день, когда в другие для нормального прилипания он не мого освоить и сотой части?

Interesting thoughts you attribute to me. I wish they were mine. I actually think that the Dow stock market is highly automated. And by no means only by clingers. It's quite realistic to me that the bulk of the liquidity in the Dow is traded by automatons. Supervised, of course. Like Chernobyl, roughly.

Mathemat писал(а) >>
P.S. Somewhere I had a hunch that the second wave of the crisis would start from this very point, Fiba. Wave B, and with it the illusions of a small-blooded global economic recovery, are over.

I do not believe in a second wave of crisis. There are reasons for this.
1. Russia: inflation is going down, as a consequence of lower bond yields (both corporate and government) and a lower Central Bank rate, which is good for the Russian stock market.
2. America: short-term rates have bottomed out and are starting to rise (inflationary consequence), which is good for the US stock market.
This is a simplified explanation, but we won't see a crisis for a few years.
P.S. After the correction is over, I will be stocking up on stocks.

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Interesting thoughts you attribute to me. I wish they were mine. I actually think that the Dow stock market is highly automated. And by no means only by clingers. It's quite realistic to me that the bulk of the liquidity in the Dow is traded by automatons. Supervised, of course. It's like Chernobyl or something.

all those thoughts I prescribe to you))) Even with relatively little money you can generate a significant amount of liquidity and not be able to create such movements.
This is not theoretical stuff - this is a practice of many years. It's like in nature - there are niches where you can compete with your money. And the cockroaches will not be able to create a certain kind of ruckus, even if they agree :)
Capital imposes restrictions on the investment horizon and methods accordingly. With a certain amount of capital and restrictions on it, there is no need for automation.
Mathemat >>:
Ситуация на минутках:

Кто-нибудь знает о падении с такой скоростью в истории?

I know, I got to the historical bottom on the monthly charts in 5 minutes at that speed on the euroyenne :) 5 minutes 220 pips.
I got over my laziness and went to http://www.nasdaq.com. The amazing thing is, why is the news with A. Merkel about Greece on every page? :)