LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 22

Tantrik писал(а) >>

With volume, any trade will turn into a grail, and with further build-up will go down - maybe so?

Did you even understand what you wrote yourself? Personally, I don't.


Here are the volumes


How do I get them to the same denominator?

neoclassic >>:
Есть предел ликвидности у рынков, и у чуваков с прибыльными системами вопрос ликвидности стоит ребром. Одно дело - форекс (большой), другое - российский ФР. Так что после преодоления определенного рубежа размера депо система перестает быть эффективной. Поэтому со временем 20% в месяц будут капать с фиксированной суммы, ограниченной ликвидностью рынка.

And what's the maximum chip you can take off the market to keep everyone happy...?)

denis_orlov писал(а) >>

And what's the maximum chip you can take off the market to keep everyone happy...?)

Either way, someone's gain is someone else's loss. If you have found a working strategy, you will use it. If you suffer losses, you will change the strategy (i.e. reduce the profits of other participants who have been earning on you).

That if you consider that the sum of the volumes for any 10,000 minutes is the same, that should help, but I can't see how.
There must be some simple formulae...

If it's all the same, I'll throw in my 5 pips from a demo account.)))
The mind appears to me as "hardware" and the mind as "software". I.e. mind is the ability to think, and mind is the work of the mind.
But this is all so... at the level of sensations...))
Mathemat писал(а) >>

Richie, how much vodka have you had on your chest?

If I didn't, I'd have shot myself a long time ago. You can't live in this country without taking it :)
By the way, has anyone ever tried to analyse graphs while drunk? Give it a try.

Tantrik >>:

пост выше ^

Uh-huh. It is deeply satisfying to note that the festive boozefest is taking place in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding. The parties have no disagreement on key issues.

"Do you respect me?" )))))))))))))))))

Tantrik >>:
Вообще разум хорошо иметь. Ум - механизм выработки желаний и непрерывно их проигрывая в уме, беспрерывно шумящий заглушающий интуицию, рождающий мысли нужные ненужные. Орган тела захвативший власть заявляющий, что он - я. Если в человеке проснулось Я - ум включаеться и оключаеться по приказу Я. Например как ноги... нужны идут нет отдыхают. А отдохнувший ум - это многократное увеличение его потенциала.

The first phrase kills the sanity of everything else. Mindfulness is a semantic floodplain under the motto "I know better". Adding another evaluative postulate to the "pseudo-knowledge" base of this flounder is hardly an increase in reasonableness. Keep meditating, you big lug.


Tantrik писал(а) >>

For example I buy x lots, I rise in price x pips and then I buy some more and profit appears.

How would a market maker behave in such a case?

And how do big players trade on indices?

I very much doubt it. Since they are "big", we have to assume that they are better equipped and use strategies of other classes. In general - any strategy is based on indicators, i.e. some functions (in the mathematical sense of the word) that allow making assumptions about the future course of trading. Although, there are also strategies of "something to smell" type ;)