LET'S SAY THAT ... - page 17

Mathemat >>:

Сколько курицу ни учи - умнее не станет. Только больше знать будет. (ц) не помню кто.

P.S. Ничего личного, упаси Боже... Просто ассоциация.

Is there a talent for being a trader? Maybe there is a talent ( intuition ) to (pre)see the future? Could that be the point? There are real psychics out there. Can it be programmed? How can I develop it in myself? These are so many questions.

There's a big thread about natural intelligence.
Atic >>:

Есть ли талант быть трейдером? Может быть есть талант ( интуиция ) (пред) видеть будущее? Может в этом дело? Есть реальные экстрасенцы же. Можно ли это запрограмировать? Как это развить в себе? Вот сколько вопросов.

I've already cited the link - there too, in particular, about the argument - is the trader a talent or can he be taught?))


People often ask me: What is intuition? The answer is simple: experience.

Mathemat писал(а) >>
There's a big thread about natural intelligence.

I didn't know there was such a branch, thanks, I'll read it.
Richie >>:

Меня часто спрашивают: что такое интуиция? Отвечаю просто: опыт.

If there is no need (or not enough brains) to explain to yourself why you are doing things this way and that way, the decision-making process is called intuition.

This is why, by the way, not everyone can articulate their manual strategy clearly. In TK, for example. That's not how brains are set up. They're "intuitives". )))

Atic писал(а) >>

There are real psychics, aren't there? Can it be programmed? How do you develop it in yourself? That's how many questions.

I will answer what I am personally familiar with. After a meeting with a psychic (not a fake one) I received answers from him to normalize my further life. I was told the reasons of the past and the events that happened to me in great detail (my hair stood on end). I was asked if I could forecast prices... (on a question about whether I could forecast prices, the answer was: Bring it on) I wondered whether I could develop these abilities myself and I looked everywhere. Conclusions Yes it all develops, it's all in everyone. In practice it is almost impossible. "Nature sometimes fails to amplify the latent abilities of a man to the detriment of his physical health. Inheritance is an extension of development... you see how long that is.

Tantrik >>:

Отвечу на то с чем знаком лично. После встречи с экстрасенсом (не фальшивым) получены ответы от него для нормализации дальнейшей жизни. Указаны мне им причины возникновения в прошлом рассказано о событиях случившихся со мною в мельчайших подробностях (волосы дыбом). Был попутный прогноз кризиса ну это к слову пришлось...( на вопрос - можете ли дать прогноз цен акций ответ приноси..) Заинтересовался я вот чем могу ли я сам у себя развить эти способности ответ искал везде. Выводы да это всё развиваеться, это всё есть в каждом. На практике это почти невозможно. "Природа иногда делает сбой усиливая скрытые возможности человека в ущерб его физическому здоровью". Наследство - это продолжение развития... видите как это долго.

I visited a magician too....
But apparently. the extent of my scepticism was so great that she could tell me NOTHING.
Also not fake, huge experience, magical).
Materialism has triumphed!

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

If there is no need (or not enough brains) to explain to yourself why you are doing this or that, the decision-making process is called intuition.This is why, by the way, not everyone can articulate their manual strategy clearly. In TK, for example. That's not how brains are set up. They're "intuitives". )))

Peter, I wonder if you trade on intuition yourself?