Does the Grail exist? - page 88

Ubajal писал(а) >>

Sever, what are you doing here anyway? Are you automating your trading or are you talking to Leo and his friends? You better learn how to trade so you have something to do.

Drinking on Sundays?

sever29 >>:

по воскресеньям бухаешь?

Go to some chat room and chatterbox and go on, put in a search query to solve a question - always such bullshit in the results.

Ubajal >>:

Мат, иди разбирайся в том что написал S, он не просто так всё это сюда выложил, кто виноват то что телега не едет? Я что ли, а вот Лео добазарился...

You're a tiresome bastard, you're the only shit on the internet that makes you want to wash your hands and wipe your monitor.
Mischek >>:

Как ты утомил убожество

Cool, that's Micha, you understand that I am solving a problem, and you look at the forum in order to self-realize at someone else's expense - you are so shitty and obnoxious, you are everywhere.

rumata1984 писал(а) >>

Once again: if you read carefully, you manage to find it. I believe that in any business, in order to achieve something serious, you have to look for new ideas, think about them, improve them, try them out in practice. In short, work, work and work. And then everything will work out.

I don't believe you, young man. Can you tell the difference between an idea and a bollocks? Idea and work and what connects them. I'm not looking for it, I'm losing it.
Guys. Don't be like children, for God's sake. Ignore that asshole and he'll fade away. Haven't you ever seen a troll before? Especially this one. He gets banned, he changes his nickname. And then he changes it again. So just don't react.
Ubajal писал(а) >>

I was recently told by a scumbag that he was harassed on a forum by a weirdo who helped him figure out his address... some time later, a photo of the crying, forum moron was posted on that forum.
You have to understand, people are different here, someone might repeat the trick with the photo. Shut up better.

Tantrik >>:

Чё то мне не верится а Вы молодой чел. идею от трёпа отличите? Идея и работа и что их связывает. А я не ищу наоборот теряю...

I'll distinguish.

The link between ideas and work is that ideas are only ideas, and to be able to benefit from them, you have to work and turn them into reality.

I'm not sure you have anything to lose... if you are talking about ideas.

Svinozavr >>:
Ребята. Ну чего вы, как дети, ей-богу. Не обращайте внимания на этого мудака, и он увянет. Троллей, что ли, никогда не видели? Тем более этого. Банят - меняет ник. И по новой. Так что просто не реагируйте.

In short, don't try to change such idiots, it does not help and teach them anything. The motives are good, because they themselves have been caught up in stupidity before and had to remove it from their ears, but it comes out sideways, as you can see. Go for the context of a thought, you will still come to the result, you wretch.

sever29 >>:

Мне недавно один отмороженный тип говорил, что его, на форуме, достал один чудак, ему помогли вычислить его адрес... через некоторое время, на том форуме, было выложено фото плачущего, форумного дебила.
Ты пойми, люди то тут разные, может кто-то и повторить прием с фото. Заткнись лучше.

How old are you?