Does the Grail exist? - page 47

ULAD >>:

Могу с уверенностью сказать. ВСЕ!

what an answer, i can give you the same strategy now:
today at 8 am I put two counter orders on eur/usd(1.3462->1.3482 and 1.3472->1.3452) in 10 p each with a target of 20 p no stops; and what is interesting, with absolutely no strategy now have 40 p profit - the basic principle of the strategy called POH, as eurobucks is the pair that all day, before the news and will hang out if there is no steady trend during the week.
That's the whole pattern. :)))))))
Tantrik >>:
ULAD - что вы видите и что я невижу? Может мы о разном... Я пока плохо вижу окончание роста и разворот внутри дня и это не на евро, это интуиц. Пока примерно 2/1.

There are many gadgets for this in the form of indicators, rulers, strips, and other maquettes.
IgorM >>:

ну какой ответ, такую стартегию Вам могу и сейчас дать:
сегодня в 8 утра я выставил два встречных ордера по eur/usd(1.3462->1.3482 и 1.3472->1.3452) через 10 п каждый с целью в 20 п стопов нет; и что интересно, не имея совершенно никакой стратегии сейчас имею 40 п прибыли - основной принцип стратегии называется ПОХ, т.к. евробакс та пара, которая целый день, до новостей и будет болтаться если нет на протяжении недели устойчивого тренда.
Вот и вся закономерность. :)))))))

Here. Already found one pattern. Keep looking. When there are more than a hundred of them, it will become easier to trade, but there will be nothing:)) We will have to participate in all sorts of competitions.
MS. You may have noticed how they are raising their securities abruptly. It's already experienced poor traders who are collecting for the new deposit. And since there are a lot of them (95) and they are experienced, it's very hard to win.
That's what it's all about. It's just dabbling with intuition. Looking for the top... Caucasus toast: - You have to work hard to live well! To live very well! You have to think of something else! .... And who sees any disadvantages in professionals?
ULAD >>:

Вот. Уже нашли одну закономерность. Ищите дальше. Когда их наберется больше сотни торговать станет легче, но нечем:)) Придется участвовать в разного рода конкурсах.
РС. Наверно замечали как там круто поднимают депо. Это уже опытные бедные трейдеры собирают на новый депозит. А так как их много (95) и они опытные, выиграть у них очень тяжело.

You think too linearly, I can tell you a secret - I have nothing to do this year to collect money scattered in the internet - at this stage I have 15 quid a month, only because I have a computer on 24/7 as actively pumping torrents. If you are itching to itch to trade on microreal, I invite you to the DC Marketplace, tell them how to work with them properly, so that you milk them, rather than them you :) - I have $34 for 2 months with Marketiva :)))
I'm asking you to keep in mind that while I'm dealing with forex on the demo, the internet is working for me. I think when I feel that I have found the Grail, a couple hundred bucks will be waiting for me to try it out :)))

igorM - and then there's the canadian, who periodically throws 100pps. Makes maybe a pending one too...
Tantrik , contact me via PM, maybe we can exchange experiences
I'm weak in terms of trading strategies, but in terms of squeezing freebies from the Internet seems to work :)
The computer is still being repaired later... I will! I'm using my phone now...
ULAD >>:

Вроде и парень умный-начитанный, а несете какую то ерунду:?

I'm no match for you...))) Not in the sense of being well-read...

But you should read a lot more, for example there is a whole direction called Price Action, the forecast based on analysis of price movements, strong levels, significant impulses, reversal bars, WITHOUT INDICATORS.

And in general, do not judge by yourself, if you like averaging and losing values, you are welcome to do so.
The more experienced trader usually has less junk on his chart, because he knows that price is primary and indices are extraneous.

denis_orlov >>:

Куда мне до вас...))) Не в смысле начитанности...

А почитать вам много чего еще стоит, есть например целое направление такое Price Action называется, прогноз на основе анализа движения цены, сильных уровней, значимых импульсов, разворотных баров, БЕЗ ИНДИКАТОРОВ.

И вообще, не стоит судить по себе, если вам по душе усредненные и потерянные значения - на здоровье, пользуйтесь.
Чем опытнее трейдер, тем обычно меньше всякого хлама у него на графике, потому что знает, что цена первична, а индюки - наносное.

Denis. We are, for the moment, on the MTS forum. How are you going to put your "Price Action forecast based on analysis of price movement, strong levels, significant impulses, reversal bars, WITHOUT INDICATORS" into a condition for opening orders? Are you going to put a book into a CD drive?

All that you have listed are also indicators, but for your head. Only it does not require the same level of formalization as for the EA.

Once you want to automate all this, you will get indicators that will analyse price movements, strong levels, significant impulses etc.. But for now... call your style whatever you want. You may call it "indicatorless"))).


Look, what in God's name are we talking about. These are elementary things.