Does the Grail exist? - page 40

Svinozavr >>:
Блин. ...
Флуд какой-то здесь дикий. ...

Even in this rubbish you can find a lot of interesting things, but it's a pity to waste time on such trivialities:)))

Mischek >>:

"Без индикаторов " это фича такая сленговая, новомодная, типа "я дурак, иду без приборов"
Вобщем очень круто значит

Dear Mischek, Don't speak so publicly again or the frontline traders of the forum might be offended. Who will we flub with then?
"No indicators" is a slangy, new-fangled, "I'm a fool, I'm going without instruments." <br / translate="no"> It's very cool, actually.

Why such sincere affection to indicators? ))
Does someone get a lot of help from bending wigs and stochastics?
An indicator is, by definition, a means of identifying certain properties.
If the author has enough line for that - it is his indicator. and does a better job than any we know, by the way.

Svinozavr >>:
Флуд какой-то здесь дикий. Первобытный даже.

I take it personally - my experience does not allow me to boast that they "drive without instruments", as the experience is completely absent :), well, give at least you Svinozavr working TC to check :)

SZS: completely forgot about the personal interest! If FantasYGold appears in the thread, I ask him to contact me in the PM (you can ICQ 467184996 in the evening), I suggest where to send his abilities and then how to withdraw in tangible form. I do not know how the rules of the forum or not to open the secrets of the kitchen some DCs, so contact better in private - this is not a scam, no investment is required, only rega and strictly follow some instructions to work with caliper.
There's no such thing as no indicator, Pigzaurus has already said it all
denis_orlov >>:

Откуда такая искренняя привязанность к индикаторам? ))
Кому то очень помогают изгибы машек и стохастиков?
Индикатор - по определению, средство выявления определенных свойств.
Если автору хватает для этого линии - это и есть его индикатор. и справляется лучше всех нам известных, между прочим.

You're a smart, well-read guy, but you're not making any sense.

What do you mean without indicators? If they say: "The price is falling", it means that it is lower than the price of the previous moment, and this is a momentum indicator. In general, indicators are benchmarks for price behavior - we cannot do without them, because everything in the world is relative, respectively the price is not relative to itself, but to some benchmarks. In contrast 99% of traders use wipers, that's why they are hated so much, I'm ashamed to admit it :), like I'm cool and wipers are of the past age. Maybe so, but no one can do without them. IMHO
Mischek >>:

"Без индикаторов " это фича такая сленговая, новомодная, типа "иду без приборов"
Вобщем очень круто значит

Then what does this forum, which is on MTS, have to do with it?

))) Mm-hmm. You can put this feature in order opening conditions. If you can.


No, it's amazing! He visits a forum on MTS and says: I trade manually, I do not use indicators, etc. Why have you come here? Then why did he come here, honey? Why should we use the author's blood to make a serum for MTS? Some nonsense has been going on at this forum lately...


It's a strange thing, the author of the topic claims he doesn't use any indicators, I got curious and looked on the Alpari forum, where there is a discussion on this topic. His nickname there is FOReignEX trading. And here are the predictions he makes:

Svinozavr >>:Бред какой-то творится на форуме последнее время...

Springtime aggravation:)