Does the Grail exist? - page 8

goldtrader >>:

В таком случае какой смысл сейчас тестировать ТС на демо-счету?
Должен быть как минимум полновесный реал (или ПАММ), который логично ьбыло бы замониторить.
Никаких вопросов и сомнений бы не осталось. Согласны?

It's a long story about the past. But now I have moved to Moscow and I opened a demo account at Alpari to get a handle on the quotes. The quotes are a bit different from some American DTs. I will open a real account this week.
OK, let's analyse. The trading history is small, very small (9 trades), but it already inspires interest, as everything is in the plus and not at all pips.
Initial deposit is 1000. Here is a picture of the history.

The first six deals are not bad, MM is more or less observed. The seventh deal is on the euro pound and is opened at the deposit of 2500. But what a deal: volume - 2 lots! Let's see how it works:

Both entry and exit are simply filigree. Its huge volume with this deposit makes us nervous.
Further analysis - a little later. I've already got tired of fighting with inserting pictures.
goldtrader писал(а) >>

In that case, what is the point of testing the TS on a demo account now?
There has to be at least a full-fledged real (or PAMM) account, which it would be logical to monitor.
There will be no questions and doubts. Do you agree?

I too am interested in such questions - may I join in.
IMHO - if a person doesn't quite trust his system yet, he keeps testing it. Why does he kinda write here that everything is tip-top? Well, it is one thing to be 90% sure and another thing to be 100% sure.
PAMM is the search for investors, which tells you 100% that you are not even 50% sure. Otherwise what is the investor for?
It seems to me that the message is not sincere - the man came and offered to demonstrate something. Neither asking nor offering to buy something. What is the question itself.
IMHO instead of listening - to support, maybe even ask the man, they are looking for some kind of tricks. I do not understand why. The moment someone seriously thinks of buying something or investing money then they have to think about a catch - but meanwhile they just listen. IMHO also - this is just talking about the attitude of such people to the possibility of trade as a business. They do not believe in it - well, if so why so many questions - do not believe it and that's it. :))

Mathemat писал(а) >>
OK, let's analyse. The trading history is small, very small (9 trades), but it already inspires interest, as everything is in profit and not at all pips.
Initial deposit is 1000. Here is a picture of the history.

Where is the picture?
Mathemat писал(а) >>
OK, let's analyse. The trading history is small, very small (9 trades), but it already inspires interest, as everything is in profit and not at all pips.
Initial deposit is 1000. Here is a picture of the history.

The first six deals are not bad, MM is more or less observed. The seventh deal is opened at the deposit of 2500. But what a deal: the volume is 2 lots! Let's see how it works:

Both entry and exit are simply filigree. Its huge volume with this deposit makes us nervous.
Further analysis - a little later. I'm already tired of fighting with insertion of pictures.

Normal output. I'd even say not really. Entry yes - I really haven't looked at what was there before. But the output - the logic is clear, quite clear, but here immediately catches the eye an error, which was then corrected. Besides, it's not like it's a Euro. All the more so then. It's essentially a corrected error - but that's always the case, or rather there's just no other way.
But on the whole - very cleverly worked out.
What to look at in terms of volume is secondary.

SProgrammer >>:

Нормальный выход. Я бы даже сказал что не очень. Вход да - я правда не смотрел что там было раньше. Но выход - логика понятна, совершенно ясно, но вот срузу бросается в глаза ошибка, которую потом исправили. Тем более это вроде не евро же. Тогда тем более. Это по сути исправленная ошибка - но так всегда бывает, точнее просто нет другого способа.
Но в целом - очень грамотно отработанно.
На обьем то что смотреть - это уже вторично.

I've written before that the profit didn't work out, but do you know how much? Less than 1 point.
The next two gold trades are also good from the entry point of view: the drawdowns are really not too large compared to the profits. Again, it is the volumes - 3 and 2 lots, respectively - that bother me. These trades are not so filigree:

Too early exit from the sell, probably, is connected with fears that the redhead will go up again. But it went down after a small correction.
OK, the whole situation is not bad so far. Now - on open trades. There is a complete and total catastrophe in the cadchf:
Mathemat писал(а) >>
Both the entry and exit are simply filigree.
D/k is only on the next peak... Even "by eye" you can see... Well, who defines filigree. The entrance is on point, but early.
FantasYGold писал(а) >>

I've written before that the profit didn't work out but do you know how much? Less than 1 point.

See, that's me for the skeptics, see what a professional's view means :) - There was a mistake - or rather not a mistake, just a slip. It happens.
Yes, this week on the cadchf / I will close with a very small loss on the first trade and the rest will be profitable. I will still end up with a huge profit. Although the deal is horrible, but I will take my profit. I forgot to place profits on audusd, but at the same time there was a sell reverse trade above the profit. I had to close it manually