Does the Grail exist? - page 4

denis_orlov >>:
Смешной же народ!...
Заметят какой нить паттерн давно известный, пару раз удачно по нему войдут, или даже не пару, но непременно без стопов, цена ведь возвращается часто.... и все понеслась уже трубить, что мол грааль найден!..
Ну, ну, счастливого пути к стоп-ауту...

У меня вот приятель тоже молодец, граалем не хвастался, просто кромно так за две недели депо в 4 раза увеличил,..
ну и закончилось известно чем...
Всего лишь один раз. И в этот раз теряется ВСЁ. "Все, что нажито непосильным трудом..." (с)

Two tape recorders.


Jacket... two.

tara писал(а) >>

Two tape recorders.


Jacket... two.

grail - one piece

HIDDEN писал(а) >> Yeah, it's been a good week.....

100%..... sorry I was late....)))

sever29 >>:

грааля- один штука

The Grail has not been stolen.

It's no use.

denis_orlov >>:
Смешной же народ!...
Заметят какой нить паттерн давно известный, пару раз удачно по нему войдут, или даже не пару, но непременно без стопов, цена ведь возвращается часто.... и все понеслась уже трубить, что мол грааль найден!..
Ну, ну, счастливого пути к стоп-ауту...

У меня вот приятель тоже молодец, граалем не хвастался, просто кромно так за две недели депо в 4 раза увеличил,..
ну и закончилось известно чем...
Всего лишь один раз. И в этот раз теряется ВСЁ. "Все, что нажито непосильным трудом..." (с)

To avoid losing EVERYTHING, don't gamble on that EVERYTHING. That's all.

paukas >>:

Чтобы не потерять ВСЁ не играйте на это ВСЁ. И всё.

+5 :)
"Yuri Benedictovich's golden words" (c)
I also came across this once: Risking a lot and risking a lot are different things
What kind of people...
The guy came in with his system, with access to his demo account. It's all fair.
But no, you got to shit all over it.

Give us access to your account, at least something close to the result, if you're so smart.
paukas писал(а) >>

To avoid losing EVERYTHING, don't gamble on that EVERYTHING. And that's it.

Shh. And they won't realise it for a long time - maybe never. :)) And they'll just keep talking about feet. Like it's something magical.

Really, a man comes along, and instead of supporting him, they attack him.

Isn't such behaviour a sign of loserism? But maybe that's the reason for loserism - maybe we need to stop saying "everything sucks"? Because if you keep saying "everything around you sucks". It doesn't get any better than that (as my wife says). :))) from this constant talking. So why bother wasting time and energy on it? It's a pointless exercise, don't you think? For something to happen, you just have to do something.

You have to do something with your life and not just chatter under your breath - "everything is shit...." "nothing will work..." "it's not shit, it's a mirage and a lie." :))

I understand that there are such people on the psyche, it's a feature of the brain structure - but maybe some of them are clearly "infected" with such a stereotype of behavior. So understand those who have been infected - such behavior is not constructive, it leads to a dead end. If nothing can work out - so why the fuck are you still here? :)

That's why you should try to believe in success.

There's a thread on the A...and forum, see what the problem is. And there was not a very warm welcome there, but he did take root. Here something scared the demster off. He says he'll feed us with forecasts for a month and then run away.


"Well give me access to your account, somehow close to the result, since you're so clever."
"That's why you have to try to believe in success."
... I'm motivated... because on this forum it's much easier to get punched in the face than to wish me luck.

FantasYGold, if you are confident in the robustness of your brainchild, come here - Monitor and let's see. Of course, if you are willing and able to work professionally. Real is desirable.
Naturally, the same results (as you have presented) of your strategy in the future are questionable - especially in the summer and autumn period. You've caught a rather easily predictable three months. Hence the sarcasm you've run into.

Be careful. Good luck!