Once again, about the lokas. - page 53


I read the thread -- so many smart people ------ stretched 52 pages ------- there is no point!!!

lock - lock -------- it's all maths -------- and maths doesn't matter where the market is going

If you can't put 2 plus 2, then the lock is death to the diplo.

If you are interested in this topic, you may want to count your deposits first.

Mm-hmm. Tell that to those who were out on a stop out in the lot because of the spread that widened. Or those who paid negative swaps for both orders in the lot. Or even more positive :)) . And I will not even mention losing the spread.
It is not a difference, it is an error.
It's not a difference, it's a margin of error.

This is idiocy.

And that's enough of that. I don't have the imagination for you anymore.


This is idiocy.

And that's enough of that. You're running out of ideas.

Specifically, what is THIS?

Actually, it's rude to shut your mouth.

Well, I might add that one notices one's own shortcomings in others in the first place.

Well, I might also add that one notices one's own shortcomings in others in the first place.

and I might add. You are my reflection. Just as the swinosaur is yours.
His thoughts are your thoughts. It's up to everyone to accept them or not. But you can't go against yourself.


And I might add. You are my reflection. Just as the swinosaur is yours.
His thoughts are your thoughts. And whether to accept them or not is everyone's business. But you can't go against yourself.

Reflection, yes, but not pure, with distortions. To become a perfect mirror, one must purify one's own obscurations completely.

Therefore, one cannot claim that one person's thoughts are the thoughts of another.


and I might add. You are my reflection. Just as the swinosaur is yours.
His thoughts are your thoughts. And it's up to everyone to accept them or not. But you can't go against yourself.

In fact, we should create a thread about lokas with the condition of a ban on entering it pig-zvr (it's his favorite topic immediately there digs, dusts...).

Reflection, yes, but not pure, with distortions. To become a perfect mirror, one must purify one's own obscurations completely.

Therefore, one cannot claim that one person's thoughts are the thoughts of another.

Clear!?! Look at my thoughts - ... in the third row on the far left is a small bowl(grail) - take away the gift!
Cleared!?! Look at my thoughts - ... in the third row to the left is the leftmost - a small bowl (grail) - take it, I give it to you!
Thoughts can not be someone else's, one emits energy vibrations in accordance with one's state, that is why one's thoughts resonate with them
Thoughts cannot be someone else's, a person emits energy vibrations according to their state, so these are the thoughts that resonate with them

I have my own thoughts, you have fun! :)))