Once again, about the lokas. - page 26

ahcenter adnaka:)

I'm not using them (I guess I'm not ready yet).
Although I do not use them (I am not yet mature enough), but judging by such heated discussions I definitely understand that we should not deprive people of either of them.
There will be nothing to argue about. :)
The Russian soul adrenaline and unearthly risks: we would Russian roulette ..... What the hell kind of mathematics, logic, swaps, spreads, lots, stop-losses ....? We're knee-deep in the sea!
They took the casinos out of civilian zones, banned slot machines, so at least leave the loki with Martin at last!!!
Let's have Russian roulette on the fore!
Loco-philes and loco-phobes, so as to better understand each other, READ this link from my humor section !

Locophilia epidemics, like martinomania, have a pronounced seasonal pattern, and although the pathogenesis of both diseases is not well understood
the symptomatology is sufficiently described and pronounced. In the acute phase there is a non-specific reaction to logic with rejection of basic arithmetic
The spreading of the disease through the Internet, due to specific epidemics experience shows that good results are obtained by localization of the diseased in one branch (ward).
From prevention it can be recommended ascorbic acid (vitamin C), walks in the fresh air, physical exercise, healthy sex and mathematics textbook (the last two are better not to be combined in time).
Sustained remission usually occurs in the second or third month
Mischek >>:
Эпидемии локофилИи как и мартиноманИи носят ярко выраженный сезонный характер ........


Loki has become fashionable again. Spring has sprung...
Could it be that the market in a flat forecourt is generating?

Where is the cause and where is the effect?
It is not a loss but a profit that needs to be covered, and then it won't be hard to manage!
It is not a loss but a profit that needs to be covered, and then it won't be hard to manage!

There are no lots, there are multi-directional positions, hedging positions (lots were invented by DC's enemies and losers).

There are no locos, there are unidirectional positions, hedging positions (locos were invented by VC's enemies and losers).

There is no such thing as a dissimilar position. A position is, by definition, the difference between a demand and a commitment.

If you are not aware of this medical fact, you get locophobes, locophiles and other bullshit.

It is not a loss but a profit that needs to be covered, and then it won't be hard to manage!
I think if you have to choose the lesser of two evils, it is probably safer to lock a buy. Then, according to the chosen strategy, we have to reach a certain target upwards and release the lock, fixing the profit, while imaginary. Strengthen the DP and wait for the price to fall. If the price goes up again, not to renew the loss, and only to strengthen the deposit, keeping in mind that in any case, the spent money sooner or later will return, because there is no depreciation of funds, as in the case, if you would lock the sale. This is, of course, my opinion.