Once again, about the lokas. - page 25

lexandros >>:
именно так... Т.е общая волатильность за 10 лет...
Предвижу возгласы - че вы за 10 лет считаете? и т.п...
Отвечу - раз пара один раз уже прошла такое расстояние - никто не мешает ей сделать это завтра же еще раз...

Not tomorrow, but about 10 years from now.

There's only a little while to go.

Reshetov >>:

Не завтра, а примерно спустя 10 лет.

Совсем чуть-чуть подождать осталось.

Can you predict tomorrow's price?
Can you confidently say that if you step away from the monitor for half an hour to throw something in your stomach and come back you will not see a price 1000 pips higher than the one you saw half an hour ago?
I bow my head in reverence.
How can you talk about volatility if the period of volatility is almost equal to the period of existence of a given currency.
This is probably called historical spread but not volatility.
Volatility is volatility... Everything is relative. There is volatility in 5 minutes, there is volatility in an hour, a month, a year.
I gave you 10 years.

Think of it as the value of a bar on a 10 year period.
There is absolutely no difference in principle.
There is absolutely no guarantee that a week from now the eu price won't be 0.9 which it was 10 years ago.... or almost two, which was only two years ago.
Calculate the difference in points...
And by the way it only went from 1.5 to almost two in a couple of months... by only three or four thousand points...
If you want specifics, run a history from January 2008... I've seen those funny pictures in real life. I'll always remember them.
How do you play without stalls?... hold a bouncing position up... reach a level... oops, didn't break through... but they will... feel it... go down from a level, stop after a level... it's basically a LOC... and everything bounces off the level... you break the level... Those who say it's better to just close the buy order... they'll regret it later, when they have to open it, either they can't get it open or they don't have time to see what's going on... The LOC is just a tool... and you have to know how to use it... and all this mathematical and statistical bullshit is a waste of time
maryan.dirtyn >>:
а как воопсче можно без локов играть то??.. держишь прибильную позицию вверх.. дошли до уровня.. упс, не пробили.. но пробьют.. чуствуешь.. стаешь вниз от уровня, стоп за уровнем.. по сути - ЛОК ведь.. и все что отскакивает от уровня собираешь.. пробили уровень.. ЛОК саморазрулился.. тоесть.. получил по ордеру вниз стоп.. а ордер бай и дальше приносит прибиль.. те кто скажут что лучше просто закрить ордер бай.. потом пожалеют, когда нужно будет его открить, либо рука не подниметься, либо банально не успеешь понять что твориться.. ЛОК - ето просто инструмент.. и нужно уметь им пользоваться.. а вся ета математически-статистическая охинея коту под хвост

Uh-huh, let's do that spell 1,000 more times.

For mathematicians, you're all jerks (loquacious lovers).
maryan.dirtyn писал(а) >>
How do you play without locks?... you hold a profit position up... you reach a level... oops, didn't break through... but they will... you feel it... you go down from the level, stop after the level... it's basically a LOC... and everything bounces off the level... you break through the level... Those who say it's better to just close the buy order... they'll regret it later, when they have to open it, either they can't get it open or they don't have time to see what's going on... The LOC is just a tool... you have to know how to use it... and all this mathematical and statistical nonsense is just a waste of time...

1. You entered a positive lock - a false-break - it closes your "lock" position on a rebound from the level, by a stop loss - and back. 2. there is no position, just a profitable position - a false-breakout - then it goes back. Now compare the two options. I'm not going to teach you, just wondering what's the point of a loc, in your case.

When they say 'gambling' in relation to forex, it speaks volumes... They play in casinos, many people think of forex as a casino... and they gamble too...
Those who play - as we know according to the laws of the casino, always lose.
and some people don't gamble, they trade and work... There is a subtle but very important difference:)
maryan.dirtyn >>:
закрить ордер бай..

When are you going to put the Y in?