how to teach the TS to distinguish between FLET and TREND??? - page 5

LeoV >>:

Для того чтобы научить отличать, нужно дать точные определения тренда и флета. Исходя из этих точных определений научить отличать дело техники.....)))

I agree, but it is very laggy..... till all characteristics of the flat are confirmed, half of the flat is already behind...... then the settings for the flat start working effectively and soon the trend starts...... and the TS again needs time to confirm all characteristics of the trend-double lag turns out....... not nice!
LeoV >>:

Для того чтобы научить отличать, нужно дать точные определения тренда и флета. Исходя из этих точных определений научить отличать дело техники.....)))

Do they have these definitions, I'm just new to forex?

MetaDriver >>:

Вот спасибо. Дал повод. Давно хочу высказаться, но как-то чёткого повода не было.

Мне кааца, чтоб дела насчёт выснения трендов-флетов и их определений сдвинулись, нужно просто очень чётко понять с самого начала, что поскольку тренд

(равно как и флет) сущности протяжённые во времени, невозможно утверждать о наличии оных в конкретной временно й точке. Например "сейчас".

Если же кроме этого перестать приставать к очередному пытающемуся дать определение прошлого (завершённого или нет) тренда с вопросами типа:

"а чем докажешь, что и дальше так пойдёть...?", то дела и вовсе могут принять конструктивный оборот.

Резюме: стоит заострить внимание на "регламенте" (какого рода ожидается ответ), и определиться с границами "возможности/невозможности" таких определений.

Did you understand what you said?)))) I'll refute it - for example"now".-Now it's flat on D1 on the want to argue? "I don't need to prove it, this thread is not about that, it's about recognizing the end of the flat and the start of a trend... -.....- like this ...
basile >>:

сам то понял что сказал?)))вилами по воде))))щас опровергну-Например "сейчас".-сейчас на D1 по евро-долл идет флэт...будете спорить??? "а чем докажешь, что и дальше так пойдёть...?"-а доказывать то и не надо,ветка не об этом,а о том чтобы вовремя определить что флэт закончился и начался тренд.....вот так...

Why so aggressive?
And I would describe a high degree of uncertainty on this pair.
A downtrend may continue, or an uptrend may start.
There you have it, but I just don't understand your understanding of flat. The amplitude of the fluctuation is not what it looks like to me.
Flat to me on H1.


I would like to suggest that if we introduce an indicator such as the ratio of the RMS of the price from the arithmetic mean to the RMS of the moving average (or approximating curve), then if the value is in the vicinity of 1 to 1.32 - flat. Above 1.32 - trend.
1.32 you can try to clarify...

Interesting topic!
"I'll try to put some wood on the fire..."

definition of a flat-out trend

try to gather statistics
take time when almost all currencies are relatively calm - ( statistically )
it is night - i.e. time between the closure of D1 and the opening of a new D1
for example - let's try to limit the time from (22:00-23:00) Moscow time (0-1) of the working candle
and the time of a newly opened D1 candlestick, say, up to 5-6 (Moscow time) (7-8)
at this time (roughly from 22:23:00 to 7:8 on a new day)
statistically, the move - let's say EURUSD average move of the pair is 30-40-50 points, but the average intraday move (from high to low) is already up to 140 points - at the moment.

we can say - we already have a statistical correlation - i.e. a kind of a flat trend inside D1
at night there is no one to move the pairs - all countries are asleep - the banks are asleep - the clients are asleep.
(it's a kind of a flat)
basile >>:

сам то понял что сказал?)))вилами по воде))))щас опровергну-Например "сейчас".-сейчас на D1 по евро-долл идет флэт...будете спорить??? "а чем докажешь, что и дальше так пойдёть...?"-а доказывать то и не надо,ветка не об этом,а о том чтобы вовремя определить что флэт закончился и начался тренд.....вот так...

Actually, he said everything correctly, without a time horizon you can not even try to fill these concepts with a clear meaning, and the concept of the time horizon has long been used in various financial calculations, its meaning has been used throughout the history of economics, but I do not know about the concept. Googling on the subject, I think you would have found the answer yourself. But now you are trying to characterize the behavior of the graph, and not the process it describes - a dead-end approach, you will not be able to formulate any averages for the rest of your life, with bending.

It seems to have been settled long ago about the trend and the flat.

trend and flat are based on extrema

there are High extrema and Low extrema, extrema start from the last one, in a pair there is one high and one low, their belonging to a pair is expressed by the numbering, high0 low0, high1 low1, etc.

if the distance from identical extremums is wider than the distance from each other, it means a trend - otherwise it's flat

e.g. if in a rising market high1 - high0 > high0 - low0 is trending, if high1 - high0 < High0 - low0 a trend then a flat

But all this is not so serious, for as one of Bulgakov's characters would say - "the problem is not that a man is mortal, but that he dies suddenly"

Today we can see where there is a trend and where there is a flat, but tomorrow what will happen, will the trend continue or will it stop - that is the question.
Turka писал(а) >>
it seems to have been decided a long time ago about trend and flat.

The trend and the flat are based on extrema

there are High extrema and Low extrema, extrema start from the last one, in the pair there is one High and one Low, their belonging to the pair is identified by numbering, High0 Low0, High1 Low1, etc.

if the distance from identical extremums is greater than the distance from each other, it means a trend, otherwise it's a flat.

for example if in a rising market high1 - high0 > high0 - low0 is trending, if high1 - high0 < high0 - low0 then it is flat

But all this is not so serious, for as one of Bulgakov's characters would say - "the problem is not that the man is mortal, but that he mortals suddenly".

Today you can see where there is a trend and where there is a flat, but what will happen tomorrow, will the trend continue or will it stop - that is the question.

Can you show us a picture, it is not clear.

khorosh >>:

А на картинке можете показать, что то непонятно.

Yeah, I wondered too how one could compare, especially as (high0-low0) is always > 0 .