Avalanche - page 92

sever29 >>:

17 разворотов... коридор, на границах которого выставляем отложенники, виден. Без словоблудия, покажите на рисунке, пример с закрытием поз, перезакрытием, локированием, манипулированием объемами у лавины, что Вы будете делать чтобы выйти из этого ацского флета.

To answer your question: was the conditional entry made in the centre of the channel or on its boundary? At what time (approximately on the timeline) was the corridor set? You did not specify a multiplication factor for the orders - can you use any?

JonKatana писал(а) >>

To give you an answer - clarifying question: 1. was the conditional entry made in the centre of the channel or on its boundary? 2. At what time (approximately, on the chart timeline) was the corridor set? 3. You have not specified the multiplying coefficient of orders - you can use any of them?

1. Your right, it is possible to place orders on the borders while in the centre of it, maybe from the market, on the border to enter. 2. It doesn't matter, you can make up your own, as long as the coordinates of the corridor remain as they are. Suppose we have somehow done something, cheated, but finally we have got exactly such a corridor. 3. Use any, but do not forget the cooficient that you use, you will have to apply as if before and after this flop. Maybe there will be no profit on this coof at all, then its application in relation to this flat is deceitful.

The channel in LAVINA can also be shifted using macroeconomic and technical indicators.....
nikat97 писал(а) >>

The channel in LAVINA can also be shifted using macroeconomic and technical indicators.....

entered at one boundary, turned over at the other, nothing shifts further.

sever29 >>:

вошли на одной границе, перевернулись на другой, дальше ни чего не смещается.

Look on the other side It's a DREAMING OR EXPANDING CHANNEL (same eggs in profile). The more angles the avalanche is voiced the more it will be available.

Try to get the SHORES off. no offence taken.

nikat97 писал(а) >>

Look on the other side It's a DREAMING OR EXPANDING CHANNEL (same eggs in profile). The more angles the avalanche is voiced the more it will be available.

Try to get the SHORES off. no offence.

it's ok. voice your point of view, your vision regarding the shifting of the channel boundaries= the channel itself.

sever29 >>:

1. Ваше право, можно находясь в его центре выставить ордера на границах, можа с рынка, на границе входить. 2. Не важно, можете придумать сами, главное чтобы координаты корридора оставались как есть. Предположим, что мы что-то как то сделали, схитрили, но в итоге получили получился именно такой корридор. 3. Используйте любой, но не забывайте, используемый Вами коофициент, придется применять как бы до и после это флета. Может прибыли по этому коофу не будет совсем, тогда его применение по отношению к этому флету- лукавство.

As far as I understand - all problems with flips and flops are solved by withdrawal: )))) But the question remains - what funds should be withdrawn and from where... This question I ask IMHO the second time, I have not received an answer... Apparently this is the main mystery of avalanche and its main feature ... that you have to withdraw some funds from somewhere ... And the top starter is hiding this great secret from us :)
khorosh писал(а) >>

I was not lazy and ran the test on GBPUSD for you with the same parameters as for EURJPY from 01.01.09 - 02.04.10. The profit is even a little bit more.

What is the largest volume of your trade, how many times larger is it than the initial one? Drawdown?

sever29 >>:

все ок. озвучте Вашу точку зрения, Ваше видение относительно смещения границ канала= самого канала.

Suppose a few knees triggered. The price is below the channel, but has not yet reached breakeven, so we move the buystop closer to the price when it is triggered, respectively, we set a SellStop and as a result the channel is shifted.

Or we set the bystop even higher, when the price is below the channel - in this case we either widen the channel or shift it when the bystop is reached

I supported the author's idea in the beginning... Now I'm scratching my head and realise what's wrong with his approach...
The author insists on holding a losing position. What are his considerations? So that the balance was pristine and the real drawdown of the deposit was not visible. The author hasn't offered any action to exit the lock. To exit when receiving the total profit... What price? The price of losing a part of the movement that allows making profit.
If we keep the losing position, we will gain profit equal to the channel width when the price passes the triple distance. (1st is from the level of the losing position to the level of the opposite position, 2nd is from the position level to the Breakeven level, 3rd is profit taking)
When fixing a loss, one distance is removed... The distance for taking a loss and the distance for taking a profit remain.
Result: you reduce the margin and the profit distance...
In other words, a simple rollover system with increasing lot volume....

Every time we open a new position with increased volume we increase the risk... This is understandable... We need to minimize the number of such entries... How to do it?
We need to collect statistics on timeframes. For example, H1. We are interested in distances between opening price and extrema. We select the largest one out of 2 values.
Then we make a selection by the time of the candle's opening. For example, one hour of the day. We are interested in the smallest value out of the obtained ones... We enter the market at 1 o'clock and set stoploss and stop order at the distance equal to half of the value found earlier ... After one hour we are guaranteed a positive result....