Avalanche - page 495


Write to the starter and the moderators ... The point of Avalanche will not change... :-)) But newcomers to the forum will not be immediately poisoned by THIS poison...:-))) for they will not be aware of it... the entrance to the branch is purely for the select few - lokers and Avalanche-keepers...:-))

He's a mass moderator himself!

s: )))) is a psychological release thread! (where different pigs can have a blast!)


Lots of flubbing... :-))) Actually, on the subject, no one wants to say (write)...? :-)))

Too bad... khorosh: this one does not seem to have appeared from this page - a pity... for he MAY well be able to recommend potential avenues of exploration...

Write to the starter and the moderators...
Moderators are not crazy enough to clean or moderate this thread yet. We value our health more. At most, we'll write off the mat :)))

But Avalanche, nevertheless, is an illusion :)

Once again: Avalanche is a tool. Point.

What is the illusion?

You are not allowed to place orders by the technique proposed by Katana? Not allowed to increase the lot?

Your job is to find signals (impulses, context, whatever) that, with a limit of 4 reversals, will give a stable positive expectation of maturity for the TS.

That is all.

If you can't find such entry points, forget Avalanche.

Vaughn, Yuri (Khorosh) found one, and he's flailing away... ))


Once again: Avalanche is a tool. Point.

What is the illusion?

They don't let you place orders using the technique Katana proposes? They don't allow you to increase your lot size?

Your job is to find signals (impulses, context, whatever) that, with a limit of 4 reversals, will give a stable positive expectation of maturity for the TS.

That is all.

If you can't find such entry points, forget about Avalanche.

Vaughn, Yuri (Khorosh) found one, and is flailing away... ))

A brief translation is

Two times two = five. Point.

What is the illusion?

Let fools learn arithmetic. We need money. Free money, and lots of it.

Why not four?

The answer is simple. Four isn't enough to live on. Fuck restrictions and dogma. Fuck the stereotypes. Only five.


The short translation is

Two times two = five . Full stop.

Five is not enough. Does not take into account spreads, commissions, swaps, slippages, connection interruptions, "no prices", "common error", etc.

In short, you need six.

The moderators are not crazy enough to clean or moderate this thread yet. We value our health more. At most, we're going to mate :))

A short translation -

When your contract is up, come and work for me. Position: "Personal proofreader-translator".

I promise you'll lose weight... ))

Moderators are not crazy enough to clean or moderate this thread. We value our health more. The best we can do is to block the mat :))

On the other hand: they calculated the amount of work, the number of moderator-days.

They got a bonus for it... And everyone celebrates...

The moderators are not crazy enough to clean or moderate this thread yet. We value our health more. At most, we're going to mate :))

That's not what I meant... :-))) Only about renaming the branch to "Malakhov+" - so that those who are in the know... welcome!!! :-))) those who are not - go away... :-))