Avalanche - page 472


Get over it. It's no use. Nothing can take them. Neither common sense, nor logic, nor arithmetic.

I ....take it you are using your nettingLovina? :-)))
There have been so many threads on the subject that it is useless to explain, those who know how to use it use it, those who don't use it don't.

Of course, IMHO, I myself do not use them, if a person feels psychologically comfortable and in his plate, then why not .

Let's not use generalities. I asked you very clearly to give an example! :)

So, will it be?

Here I gave a chart of a successful MTS - a grid of levels, each with 2 differently directed pending orders (essentially a symmetrical lock). I have already written before that despite its ineffectiveness from mathematical point of view the trait sometimes gives additional tactical possibilities. Proof of this is the example of such an MTS.

No indicators, no stops, no locks. No problem with about 700 points of drawdown.

There is a coefficient of increase in the lot and the brains.

You're a friend, you have to put stops, if you're on a martin, you're going to lose anyway. If you are a sheep, you will lose.

If you're a sheep, you're bound to fail.


Hmm, why isn't there a concept of Locophobia on Wikipedia? We should create an action group. The question is long overdue.
Please give me a working avalanche expert, I can't go through 472 pages, thanks in advance
There is no locophobia as such, there is locophilia.
Please give me a working avalanche expert, I can't go through 472 pages, thanks in advance

If it suits me, I'm ready to upload the whole collection from this branch (I've dug through it before... :-))))), and you can sort it out yourself... I heard that avalanche 7 is not bad for a "base". I wrote my version of netting avalanche on Av02.mq4 and am now testing it on demo (with variable success ... :-)).


netting avalanche option

Yes, that's impressive. It's just like a new round of the development spiral
Yes, that's impressive. It's like a new round of the development spiral.

You're against BOOKS, as I understand it... All for you... :-Р