Avalanche - page 473

Yes, that's impressive. It's like a new round of the development spiral.

You can see the results of the tester (not even a demo yet) - on this page.

After all, you're against LOCs, as I understand it... All for you... :-Р

Vladislav said that there is no locophobia, there is locophilia. And he is 100% right.

You can see the results of the tester (not even a demo yet) - on this page.

These endless tests and posting their results are reminiscent of masturbation.

Please give me a working avalanche expert, I can't go through 472 pages, thanks in advance

Take advantage of it. In the trailer - all a selection - choose to your liking... :-P and adjust to your trading conditions.
ckqvyhrk.zip  356 kb

These endless tests and the posting of their results are reminiscent of masturbation.

I'll post a preliminary detailed report from the netting Avalanche demo soon (a little later).

After all, you're against LOCs, as I understand it... All for you... :-Р

I'm against nonsense in any form. If an avalanche is netted, it won't get any better.

These endless tests and the posting of their results are reminiscent of masturbation.

Pay attention to the amount of drawdown and everything will become clear... :-Р

Soon (a bit later) I will post a preliminary detailed report from the netting Avalanche demo.

It is not necessary for me. I'm not interested. Honestly.

I mean that these endless tests and admiration of pictures are losing the meaning of "being on Forex".


I'll post a preliminary detailed report from the netting Avalanche demo soon (a little later).

It doesn't make sense . Not even for a year, not even for two or more. Even from real .

It doesn't make sense. Not even for a year, not even for two or more. Even from real life.
what's the point then? (not about the avalanche)