Avalanche - page 238

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

2) It's very easy to try. You got 2 pips, you close and that's it. You can't even get 2 pips? The series is broken. But the main thing is not that you took 2 pips. It's that you did not get a stop on this position. That means the profit/loss ratio of the trades is momentarily improved.

Sometimes you don't even get one pip.
Well, if you've broken it, so what? It'll break the whole system, it's obvious.
You are in breach of your own terms:

E_mc2 wrote >>

I was talking about applying with a certain TC. There is a TS you run with stable lots. You see by the report that % of profitable trades 40% Los= stop. It is clear that the stable lot is a sure loss.
Take the same Lyabusher.
lasso >>:

Иногда бывает и одного пипса не возьмешь.
Ну, хорошо будь по вашему, разорвали, и что? Это поломает всю систему, это же очевидно.
Вы нарушаете вами же озвученные условия:

Break what? Los equipo foot. So what? Who's forcing you to stop before the stop? I'm just saying that by closing the trade you can avoid the stop and thus immediately change the ratio of profit / loss trades. You have to think of the situation instead of stopping. If you see that we're in such a mess, at least take some profits. At least in 0. At least there will be no stop. There'll still be trades. The forex isn't going anywhere. But you'll break the series, you'll avoid the stop, you'll improve the profit/loss ratio. Isn't that enough to close without thinking about a system? What kind of system? In forex, you have to be more flexible... you have to adapt to the situation... and change the system too.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

I replied above. Corrected there. Lot 4 should not be crossed out. After the profit, we start the next series with +2 lots added to it. You just do not understand the system of crossing out. That lot 4 is that lot 3+1. And you're adding them up for some reason. That's the sum already. We're leaving those three alone. And the system is to add +2 to it. And these 4 will be crossed out only when we get the next profit)
I do not like you on the forums. This is the Internet, not a meeting of the world intelligentsia. You can consider me ill-mannered. But in my memory it is not so common to use the word "you" on the Internet.

Here's an excerpt from http://forexvc.blogspot.com/2008/11/normal-0-false-false-false.html

Осталось -3 контракта. Поскольку в столбце больше ничего нет, прибавляем 1.
Следующая ставка 4 контракта. Если мы выигрываем, то мы вычеркиваем все, остаемся в плюсе в 1 контракт и начинаем серию заново.
We, alas, did not win the bet with four contracts, so the series continues.
Here we are:
What's the next bet? Obviously it's 7.

Where did you get +2 ?
khorosh >>:

Для тебя нормальные люди только те, которые пользуются твоими советами, а которые не нуждаются в них уже ненормальные. Тебя бесит, что те азбучные истины, которые ты знаешь могут быть кому-то не нужны. Нельзя насильно сделать людей счастливыми, так что не удивляйся, что люди, которых ты поливаешь грязью не хотят тебя слушать.

The problem is that these people don't understand these basic truths. And they don't want to.) And if they do understand these truths, then why do they show Trading Expert Advisor with intentionally worse trading principles? It turns out they understand the alphabetical truths, but are doing everything the other way around.)

You can't make them happy by force == you mean, when they'll sell, they'll understand themselves, but it'll be too late... the money's gone.) But until they do, they don't want to hear about it.)
E_mc2 >>:

ЧТо то ты путаешь. По лябушеру лот в принцыпе математически не может так стремительно наростать как в класическом мартине. Это не возможно. В Мартине класик идёт чистое удвоение. Здесь его и близко нет.

И вообще эта табличка пример с космоса. Элементарно возьмите другое распределение сделок и скажем на реале может быть и 15 лоссов подряд. И посчитайте какой лот будет на класик мартине после 15 лосов. И какой будет на Лябушере. На мартине уже давно слив будет. А лябушер спокойненько пойдёт дальше. Так в принцыпе для любого ММ можна подобрать ситуации что он сольёт.

No... It's clear that in the classics the build-up is faster... But you're forgetting a simple thing... The difference is simple: if, for example, there are several losses, then one profit, then again several losses, then several profits... So it's not the right sequence, it's chaotic...
In classic martin - after the first profit - we close the pyramid and go to the initial lot... In a louboucher, after one profit, there's a moose... And we sum up the extremes in the table. I.e. for example in this situation: ----+---+---+---+++++++++ Laboucher will increase lot just astronomically. Although not by geometry, but by arithmetic... But it will go very quickly... e.g. 0.5+1, then 0.5+1.5, etc... And as a result, the lot is just growing like a snowball... And to get out of the snowball - you need several profits in a row, and if the series has at least one moose, the next run will grow even faster ... That's a huge disadvantage of Laboucher.

I don't want to give any examples. In general, draw a table for yourself in Excel, with the wrong calculations - see for yourself:)

I'm telling you, I've done a lot of research in my time... and writing advisors... Everything was fine, until a couple of "wrong" series like this... (been there, done that)
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Break what? Los equipo foot. >> so what? Who's forcing you to stop before the stop? I'm just saying that by closing the trade you can avoid the stop and thus immediately change the ratio of profit / loss trades. You have to think of the situation instead of stopping. If you see that we're in such a mess, at least take some profits. At least in 0. At least there will be no stop. There'll still be trades. The forex isn't going anywhere. But you'll break the series, you'll avoid the stop, you'll improve the profit/loss ratio. Isn't that enough to close without thinking about a system? What kind of system? In forex, you have to be more flexible... you have to adapt to the situation... and change the system too.

Here we go. Here we go. I thought you were really ready to defend your point of view.
But you're starting to twist it. Inventing adaptations to the current situation. ))

You yourself announced the system, certain conditions (33%, etc.) and promised us millions.
I reproduced everything in the example. The result is minuscule.

OK. Using my series and the Laboucher system, give your version of the development.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Break what? Los equal foot. >> so what? Who's forcing you to stop before the stop? I'm just saying that by closing the trade you can avoid the stop and thus immediately change the ratio of profit / loss trades. You have to think of the situation instead of stopping. If you see that we're in such a mess, at least take some profits. At least in 0. At least there will be no stop. There'll still be trades. The forex isn't going anywhere. But you'll break the series, you'll avoid the stop, you'll improve the profit/loss ratio. Isn't that enough to close without thinking about a system? What kind of system? In forex, you have to be more flexible... you have to adapt to the situation... and change the system too.

It turns out that no TS at all, it went the wrong way ... what if it turns around....
lexandros писал(а) >>

I'm telling you, mused on this topic in my day... and writing advisors... All fine, until a couple of "wrong" series like this... (been there, done that).

I want to make it clear that the series is the most common, not out of the ordinary.
Such series in any hundred coin tosses - a few pieces will be.

P.S. And Mathemata interest..... Such a man gone to Laboucher..... )))

Dear friends !
for those who are interested,
I am giving you the first demo report for one of the EAs we are testing now.
I also would like to inform you that the owls are off until Monday.
Have a nice weekend....
E_mc2 >>:

Дак проблема в том что эти люди и не понимают этих азбучных истин. И не хотят понимать)) А если они понимают эти истины, то зачем тогда выкладывают советник с намеренно худшими принципами торговли?? Интересно выходит истины они азбучные понимают, но всё делают наобород)) Наверно спецом мне на зло да)))

Нельзя насильно сделать счастливыми == эт ты хочеш сказать что когда сольют то сами поймут где косяк но позно будет..денежки тю тю)) А пока не сольют ничего и слышать не хотят,сами с усами))

Since you can hardly understand what you are being told, I will repeat what I have already written:

" As for the margin, at this stage, when only the basic principles of avalanche performance are tested, its accounting is not important. In testing, you may take a knowingly large deposit and not think about margin savings. There are many more important factors affecting the result, on which we must work in the first place.

The Expert Advisor ofrumata1984 and Galina is a crude, intermediate version used for testing the strategy principle, and you cannot set requirements for it,

as a finished product. If the strategy's success in testing is confirmed, the final version, I'm sure, will implement a scheme with maximum margin savings and many more things you don't even know about. "