Avalanche - page 199

baltik писал(а) >>

It's time to get something else out of the way.
for example calculate in excel new reversal rates
or offer the system orders on the contrary put i.e. three reversals but we are still in a soft place - put orders on the rebounce of the corridor and not on the break
So, go in the doldrums for a day - "crystallise" something new.
And then some of them may get quieter - it's getting embarrassing to read - like in a pub on the square...

I told you - he works for the public, to have everything chewed up and brought to him on a platter...
He'll never do it himself (he can't do it, I guess)...
baltik писал(а) >>

No offense to Katana, but he's right about the maths. Here's a screenshot to prove it.
On some page you said in an argument with the server, a new vision of an avalanche was developed and you voiced it.
here is the result of the EA, it was scraped -(my extreme with volumes, no discussion
this is a check for 4 flips and how often this happens - yes DEMO account)

ahem, ahem. north29 to be exact

Mathemat >>:
Нет, не похож на засланного казачка.

"they" cannot recall it now
E_mc2 >>:
Слыш баран. Смотри у тебя ордер в МТ4 один выходит на 6,4, а второй на 3,2. А теперь скажи придурок ты понимаешь что это не удвоение позиции??
Одни ордер на 3,2 будет идти в минус, а второй 6,4 скажем в +, то есть выйдет что в + тянет ордер 6,4 а в минус 3,2. Значит чистыми тянет только 6,4 - 3,2 = 3,2!!
Понимаешь дибил что б было удвоение при локе в МТ4 второй ордер придёцца ставить не на 6,4 а на 9,6!! Тогда будет что 1 ордер 3,2 тянет в минус, а второй на 9,6 в +. И тогда 9,6 - 3,2 = 6,4.
А так у тебя выходит что в МТ5 ты расчёт делал с того что ордер 6,4,а в МТ4 у тебя не было удвоения и было только 3,2..потому у тебя дибил и разница в убытке вышла в два раза.
И ещё раз говорю баран..ордера на реале в МТ4 не будут выставляца по твоей схеме. Уже второй ордер придёца ставить не на 0,2 как ты там набредил, а на 0,3. Если выставишь ордер на 0,2 то удвоения не будет при локе! Будет 1 ордер на 0,1 а второй на 0,2. И выйдет что 0,2 -0,1= 0,1 чистыми будет в + тянуть только 0,1! Ведь первый ордер тянет в убыток и что б его перекрыть нада будет второй ордер открывать на 0,3! Тогда 0,3-0,1= 0,2 ---вот это удвоение будет. А дальше эти ордера придёца стремительно наращивать уже на 3 переворот нада будет выставить ордер на 0,5 а дальше ещё больше..А если ДЦ не компенсирует полностью маржу то то тебе её в МТ4 не хватит потому что будет открыто огромное количесво ордеров, а не так как ты написал.
Ты баран да открой демку и посмотри.
Ну что баран теперь скажешь??

You do not distinguish between "volume" and "order". I wrote:

JonKatana >>:

In MT4 the volume grew like this: 0.1 / 0.2, 0.4 / 0.2, 0.4 / 0.8, 1.6 / 0.8, 1.6 / 3.2, 6.4 / 3.2 - immediately after opening the last order (on the larger side) we have in deficit the deposit for volume 6.4 (50048 rubles) and 40 points of non-fixed loss for volume 3.2 (40 x 930 = 37200 rubles). In total, we cannot use the amount of 50048 + 37200 = 87248 rubles out of the initial deposit at the moment.
What does doubling have to do with it? We were talking about the same order volumes on the corridor boundaries on different MT4 and MT5 platforms. Do you want to place orders of different volumes and then claim that the platforms are the same in terms of losses in the Avalanche system? Then we are not talking about any equality of conditions. Now to you - your words:
E_mc2 >>:
Listen, you moron. Look, you have an order in MT4, one comes out at 6.4, and the second at 3.2. Now tell me, you moron, do you understand that this is not a doubling position?
One order for 3.2 will go into deficit, and the second 6.4 say in the +, that is, it turns out that in the + order pulls 6.4 and in deficit 3.2. So the net draws only 6.4 - 3.2 = 3.2!
See dibber that would be doubling at the lock in MT4 second order with uedotsa put not 6.4 and 9.6! Then it will be that the first order 3.2 is in deficit, and the second at 9.6 in the +. And then 9.6 - 3.2 = 6.4.
And so you get that in MT5 you made the calculation from the fact that the order 6.4, and in MT4 you had no doubling and was only 3.2...Therefore you have a moron and the difference in loss came out in half.
And once again I say fool...Orders on the real in MT4 will not be exposed on your scheme. The second order will be set not for 0.2 as you promised, but for 0.3. If you set the order at 0.2, the doubling will not happen during the lock! It will be 1 order at 0.1 and the second at 0.2. And it will come out that 0.2-0.1= 0.1 would be + only 0.1! After all, the first order is taking a loss and we should open the second order for 0.3 to compensate for it! Then 0.3-0.1= 0.2, this will be twice. If you don't want to compensate your margin completely, you won't have enough margin in MT4 because a big number of orders will be opened, not like you wrote.
You're a moron, open a demo and take a look.
What do you think, moron
JonKatana >>:

С чего бы вдруг? Условием задачи были абсолютно одинаковые объемы цепочки ордеров. Потому что:

Или вы предлагаете открывать ордера разных объемов на разных платформах? И где равенство?
То, что вы быстрее выйдете на безубыток в MT5 после первого разворота при такой схеме выставления ордеров - это одно из немногих преимуществ MT5 и об этом я писал. Но задача стояла показать, что при совершенно одинаковых объемах выставляемых ордеров на MT5 убыток растет гораздо быстрее, чем на MT4. Что я и сделал.

You're a complete idiot...
You understand with your extremely dumb head... orders will have to be opened by any volume. Because on MT4 at the lock will hang the previous order and it will pull in minus. And on MT5 this order will be closed by a stop.
So if in MT4 you have the first order of 0.1, then the second order should be set at 0.3 that would be doubling. Because the first one remains 0.1 and we have to open it at 0.3. Then 0.3-0.1=0.2! And it will double.
And on MT5, you will close first by stop and octroece at 0.2.
But the most important is that mathematically the result is the same!
On MT4 after the second order is opened we have the first open order for 1 lot with 40 pips loss. And open order for 3 lots. If the price goes further and will pass 20 pips then on the first order the loss will be already 60 pips! That is 60*1=600 quid. And on the second order will be 3*20=600. And you are in profit on MT4.
On MT5, the first order will be a stop of 1*40=400. And the second order in 20 pips will be 2*20=400. In the same way, you have reached the zero level after 20 pip.
In MT5, the previous order will be closed by a stop and we will not need to cover it with a big amount and we can open the second order for 0.2 and obtain the same mathematical result for the deposit.
And in MT4 because of the weight of the previous order we will have to open it at 0.3, to cover it and have the same 0.2 net that we have in MT5!
This means that if you open the same mathematical result with bigger values in MT4, you will have a huge deposit in brokerage company that does not compensate the margin completely, much more than in MT5.
That's what I told you, MT4 will artificially increase the margin!
JonKatana >>:

Расчеты верны. Текущий убыток в MT5 и на любой другой моноордерной платформе больше почти в два раза потому что фиксируются убытки ордеров на обоих сторонах коридора, а в MT4 на границе коридора убыточны только ордера одной стороны - противоположной.

So are there any stops after all?
baltik писал(а) >>

No offense to Katana, but he's right about the maths. Here's a screenshot to prove it.
On some page you said in an argument with the server, a new vision of an avalanche was developed and you voiced it.
here is the result of the EA, it was scraped -(my extreme with volumes, no discussion
this is a test for 4 flips and how often this happens - yes DEMO account)

maybe now in a dispute with EMC2 something will come up.

Mischek писал(а) >>

"they" can't revoke it now

// Under the desk

KGB could not recall the Stirltz from the home front either, and how the military families cried when they were pulled out of Germany
He figured out that here they could throw away ideas for 3 salaries

Mischek писал(а) >>

"they" can't revoke it now

:))) +1

baltik >>:

Пора выскристализовывать что-то уже в другом аспекте
например посчитай в екселе кэфы разворотные НОВЫЕ

For MT5, the order of placing orders for a classic "Avalanche" (with exit to Breakeven after the corridor width from its outer limit) is: 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 12 - 24... The numbers are conventional volumes.