Avalanche - page 187

sever29 >>:

моя версия лавины, в тестере, не сливает, хоть ты тресни. :) Любой временной интервал с одним параметром.

tell the councillor... Stop chopping dough in one hand:) share it with the community)))
lexandros писал(а) >>

come to the councillor... stop chopping dough in one hand:) share it with the community%)))

I want to share it with the community.
I would like to know what timeframe it should pass without losing money so that you would get interested and help me finish it properly. I have not worked much on the profit.

Well, the run is for 2008...
I run all my EAs - if you can run them in the tester - for 2008... It's the most revealing... wild flotsam and wild no-trends...
sever29 >>:

я про центовый и говорю, 2000 $ минимум

$2,000 is a lot. We are playing martin. Run your advisor with a $200 depo, if there are positive results,
even if it's a loss after a while, we'll talk. See where the losses are, maybe you just need to set the trading hours,
The results will improve to avoid going into an overnight flat.
lexandros писал(а) >>
Well the run is for 2008...
I run all my EAs - if they can be run in the tester - for 2008... It's the most revealing... wild flotsam and wild backward trends...

I've been running it since 2006, I haven't done it before.

Let's have a look... let's see...
The task is as follows. We take two stages.

1. 200$ or we sink or raise the depo to 1000$, then withdraw half of it.
2. 500$ or we drain or raise the deposit up to 2500$,

If the purpose of step 1 is not achieved, we admit that lexandros, Matemat and others are right. Katana will publicly repent :)
If the goal of p.1 is achieved, and p.2 is not achieved (sinking after reaching $ 1000), combat draw:)
If the goal of $2,500 is achieved, lexandros, Matemat and others are right.
ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

$2,000 is a lot. We are playing martin. Run your advisor with $200 depo, if there are positive results,
even if it's a loss after a while, we'll talk. See where the losses are, maybe you just need to set the trading hours,
The results will improve to avoid going into an overnight flat.

I look at dozens of different strategies and EAs, I don't have enough memory for all of them. But 200 is not enough, at least it should be 1500.
I`m catching myself thinking I`ve fallen under hypnosis of this avalanche :). Probably until I bring it to a logical end, ie until I'm not going to sell out, I will not calm down:).
ZEXEL66 >>:
Задача следующая. Берем 2 этапа.

1. 200$ или сливаем или подымаем депо до 1000$, затем снимаем половину.
2. 500$ или сливаем или подымаем депо до 2500$,

Если цель п.1 не достигнута, признается, что lexandros, Математ и другие правы. Катана публично каится:)
Если цель п.1 достигнута, а п.2 не достигнут (слив после достижения 1000$), боевая ничья:)
Если достигнута цель п.2 2500$, lexandros, Математ и другие посыпают головы пеплом.

I'll sign up... If there's no drain - I'll publicly sprinkle my head with anything - and invest:) advisers don't - let's have a pamm
lexandros писал(а) >>
Let's have a look in the private... let's have a look.

>> OK. With a description and cuts of the run from 2006. (in 15-20 min).