Avalanche - page 186

lexandros >>:

Вы реально готовы влить свое бабло в мартин - чтобы рано или поздно повстречаться с Колей???? Вперед и барабан на шею...
Лично я этот период подросткового идиотизма уже давно прошел...

Why not. Just 185 pages of empty discussion. Took me a few days to read. I could throw in a sum of, say, $200,
on the real money. And drive. You, Matemat, Katana, others who are interested, give me the password. I don't really care
what happens to that money, a couple of trips to the restaurant. But when the real money is gone, Katana will have to shut up. И
write in public that he's wrong.
ZEXEL66 >>:

Почему нет. Просто 185 страниц пустого обсуждения. Прочитал за несколько дней. Могу кинуть сумму, скажем 200$,
на реал. И погонять. Вам, Математу, Катане, другим заинересованным дать инвест пароль. Мне абсолютно все равно
что с этими деньгами станет, пару походов в ресторан. А вот когда реал сольется, Катане придется заткнуться. И
написать тут прилюдно что он не прав.

This is going to be a "tough" kid's bazaar... Throw in 200 Bakinskiye - every week's stats from the real, and an investor password in the studio...
If it's a bargain - I'm even willing to meet and have a martini on the brotherhood:)
Personally, I feel sorry for even 200 rubles... I'm 100% convinced that this scheme will sell out... I'd rather give these 200 rubles to an orphanage for charity, it will do more good...

Martin is definitely a dope.

lexandros >>:
Лично мне жалко даже 200 рублей... не то что бакинских:) потому что я на 100% убежден что сольет эта схема... я эти 200 рублей лучше в детский дом перечислю на благотворительность, толку больше будет

I just have a slightly different amount) in real life. Maybe what's $200 to you is $200 to me.
We're not talking about the reals... I don't have 200 roubles or 200 bucks on my real account either...
My point is that I'm not ready to invest even 200 rubles in martin - I'd rather give them to someone who will at least be grateful:)
ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

Why not. Just 185 pages of empty discussion. It took me a few days to read. I can throw a sum of, say, $200
on the real thing. And drive. You, Matemat, Katana, others who are interested, give me the password. I don't really care
what happens to that money, a couple of trips to the restaurant. But when the real money is gone, Katana will have to shut up. И
and write in public that he's wrong.

200 wouldn't be enough, 2,000 is the minimum.

my version of avalanche, in the tester, doesn't leak, for crying out loud. :) Any time slot with a single parameter.

sever29 >>:

200 маловато будет, 2000 минимум нуно.

Would a cent account work then?
ZEXEL66 писал(а) >>

Would a cent account be all right then?

I'm talking about a cent account, $2000 minimum.