Avalanche - page 83

JonKatana >>:

Точно на противоположную границу канала. Описание есть в первом сообщении темы - читайте внимательнее.

With inputs OK.Is there a method of effective outputs? Is there a target-level exit option?
Mischek >>:
Ненавижу албанский, но так хочется написать - "убейся об стену", просто сил нет

It's more appropriate to suggest hara-kiri here. With good intentions... Although it sounds more like hypocrisy and NLP.

JonKatana >>:
Хочу, чтобы любой человек, вложив свои деньги, зарабатывал хотя бы среднюю по России зарплату в месяц. Чтобы мог прокормить свою семью, не боялся своего начальника, под угрозой увольнения превращающего подчиненного в раба, чтобы чувствовал уверенность в завтрашнем дне.

In forex, someone else's profit is always someone else's loss. And don't you feel sorry for the poor workers who will start "lavishing" on each other? )))

artikul >>:

На форе чья-то прибыль - это всегда чей-то убыток. И не жалко Вам бедных работяг, которые начнут "лавинить" друг друга не по децки? )))

In this case, it is the banks who will suffer the loss. They are not pitied at all.

As JONKatana said, martin rules like no other (in any situation), only a ban on martin will help.

And then the point of free forex.If martin contradicts it!!!
JonKatana писал(а) >>
... how to withdraw from uncovered positions all available funds plus collateral(because equity takes them into account).

Equity (or funds) does not take deposits into account in any way. Neither does the balance.
The collateral is deducted from the free (uncommitted) margin. These are the basics.

goldtrader >>:

Эквити (или средства) никоим образом не учитывает залоги. Как впрочем и баланс.
Это видно даже на демо-счёте.

These are not my words. I quoted lexandros - explain it to him:

lexandros >>
Have you heard the terms Balance and Equity (Free Money)? Balance might be going up, but it plays absolutely no role. Balance reflects closed positions. You need to look at Equity. This means that you actually have equity. And you can operate with these funds... Trade with them, withdraw them from the account and so on. And what the balance shows - it's a fiction. Close all open positions at the moment and the balance will be equal to equity...

lexandros >>:
I almost fell off my chair... Equity takes into account YOUR REAL funds... I.e. those funds - that you actually have left after closing all the positions. The deposits will RETURN to you after the positions are closed. Don't you even know that?
lexandros wrote(a) >> I almost fell off my chair... Equity takes into account YOUR REAL funds... I.e. those funds - that you actually have left after closing all the positions. The deposits will RETURN to you after the positions are closed. Don't you even know that? I can see you fell off your chair and banged your head so hard you keep saying the same thing. Enough of your bullshit, get off on another subject.

He wrote everything correctly. The only thing wrong is that Equity is Free Funds.
But Free funds in MT4 are actually residual margin (free, uncommitted, remaining at the trader's disposal).

JonKatana >>:

В данном случае убытки будут терпеть банки. Их не жалко совершенно.

John confess, is this the work of an avalanche-phile cult? )))