[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 196


Girl, the Olympics are national, you are unlikely to be allowed there.

First you had to win the district one.

Ais >>:

Классная ветка, многое разъясняет

The thread is cool, but because of your "jokes" you may want to first approve the wording of the proposed problem and the answer from Matemet, by sending him a message in private, etc. In short, nonsense

OK, Ais, we may consider the problem solved. Not all conditions were stipulated in the problem (possibility to disassemble the weights, say). It is not obvious how to divide 10 cm into 50 parts more or less precisely. Perhaps that's what the squared paper would have been useful for.

But in principle not a bad task - for a clever eighth-grader, who would find himself in a desert place exactly and only with the given objects, and he would urgently need to know the material density of the weight with an accuracy of about tens of percent :)

P.S. In eighth I also took part in the Republican (RSFSR) in maths and physics. I don't remember a single problem, alas. By the way, there were kind of girls there.


What do people think about determining the volume of a weight using my method? Who has figured it out?

Ais >>:

Девушка, олимпиада Республиканская, Вас туда вряд ли пустили бы

Сначала надо было победить в районной

Gender chauvinism is on the rise.

We can't do without a moderator

Richie >>:

Что народ думает по поводу определения объёма гири по моему методу? Кто догадался?

Sound it out. And about the wire without a magnetic field I would also like some comments (how do you imagine that) and about the composition of the fly how many minerals and substances not covered by the concept of hydrocarbons are in it.

A young man picks 5 kg of mushrooms a day in the forest.

The girl picks 3 kilos of berries a day.

Question: how many kilos of mushrooms and berries will they pick if they go to the forest together? :)

Mischek >>:

Гендерный шовинизм пошел

Normal chauvinism. I made up for it by skydiving at the flying club. Even, like, a junior CCM. I was. :)


Э! Ace! Where did you put your post about being smart? Put it back, it's not fair!

Swetten >>:

Юноша за день собирает в лесу 5 кг грибов.

Девушка за день собирает 3 кг ягод.

Вопрос: сколько кг грибов и ягод они соберут, если пойдут в лес вдвоём? :)

Will AIS also do ?