[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 193


The word "vaporised" should be understood to mean the transfer of kinetic energy of the fly into thermal energy

Since it is a learning task, losses and other phenomena can be approximated as weakly significant

Ais >>:

Под словом "испарилась" следует понимать переход кинетической энергии мухи в тепловую

Поскольку задача учебная, можно приблизительно считать потери малыми

I can see why dried flies often accumulate near the windows...


gip писал(а) >>

Snide? What would be your guess?

A fly consists of water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. In short, everything you need :)

Ais писал(а) >>

The word "vaporised" should be understood to mean the transfer of kinetic energy of the fly into thermal energy

Since the problem is academic, we can roughly consider losses and other phenomena to be of little significance.

>> Got it.

Ais >>:

Deeply respected Airat Safin, we bow our heads and humbly ask you not to ignore and explain the decision about the weight step by step and with figures

He has many of these problems, and the book is well known


Let the fly have a mass of 1 kg and consist of water. The heat of heating and evaporation of 1 kg of water is about 3.3 MJ.

Consequently, its speed is about 2570 m/s.




Let's think of the mass of the kettlebell as 16kg - that's more familiar. Or were you given weights for chemical scales? Well, then a household spring scale won't measure 100g.


2*Pi*sqrt( l / g) - that's about the oscillation period of a pendulum.

I'm still wondering how to meditate on mass and weight to see volume. And it's not just me, Westminster Abbey is nervous too, there's a dude trying to climb out of his grave to find that out too.

Oh, as I was writing, Ais had already written the formula there too.