[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 184


Ais, if it's a cylinder, it's easier than that. Mark a mark on the weight with a pencil, roll it sideways around the perimeter to determine the length of the circle more accurately. The height is determined by the ticks.

The weight is measured with a scale. Subtract a small weight from the wire handle.

The clock has nothing to do with it.

Mathemat >>:

Ais, если это цилиндр, то чего проще. Отмечаем карандашом на гире метку, катим ее боком по периметру, чтобы поточнее определить длину окружности. Высоту определяем по клеточкам.

Вес измеряем весами. Вычитаем небольшой вес проволочной ручки.

Часы тут ни при чем.

If you simply measure the diameter and height of the weight and use the formula for the volume of the cylinder


At first I wondered how to solve the same problem for a spherical weight with a beveled bottom and a solid, thick handle. This one is more difficult.


Complete list of all available and authorised measuring instruments:

1. Clock with a second hand

2. Hand-held spring scales

Weights can be of any type and density.

Hint: For me personally, the checkered paper was the most powerful confusing factor.

And the sight of the kettlebell was also confusing and I realised that


Oh man, you can try to calculate the elasticity of the spring. or whatever it is, which is in newton per metre. By stretching the spring with a weight and timing it when the scale settles down.

The resulting value, together with the scale of the scale, can already be used to measure the geometry of the weight.


Yes, the scale should be used to measure weights

The formula for converting the scale into units of length remains to be deduced

With a stopwatch you can accurately determine the period of oscillation of the balance pendulum

Knowing the period of oscillation and the value of the acceleration of gravity, determine the length of the pendulum

The pendulum should be swung with as small a swing as possible

Ais >>:

Да, шкалу весов надо использовать для измерения размеров гири

Осталось вывести формулу перевода шкалы весов в единицы длины

Секундомер позволяет определить период колебаний маятника весы-гиря

Зная период колебаний и значение ускорения свободного падения определяем длину маятника

Маятник следует раскачивать с маленьким размахом, как можно меньше

What about the squares on a piece of paper didn't fit?


Cells require justification for their size, although they can also be used as a scale

The scale of the scale is more accurate

Ais писал(а) >>

the scale should be used to measure weights

I wouldn't have guessed :)


Is that a kettlebell? Are there any mathematicians here who would risk calculating its volume from its size?