[Archive!] Pure mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training problems not related to trade in any way - page 186


*** Shrugs

I don't really care. It's just that the number of geniuses, patented methods and PhDs on our forum is starting to go off the charts, in my opinion. :)


The problem was from a 2nd grade maths textbook

The textbook was ordinary, the problem was also ordinary, and my solution was also ordinary

But there are even people who argue about the answer to the problem.

By "most", I meant my classmates and teacher.

It was a clear confrontation, they laughed at me.

By the way, the word 'punctuation' doesn't exist in Russian

Swetten >>:

*** Пожимает плечами ***

Да мне как-то всё равно. Просто количество гениев, патентованных способов и докторов наук на нашем форуме начинает потихонечку зашкаливать, на мой взгляд. :)

Where else are they supposed to hang out? Here at least they have a good chance to realise the meaninglessness of their papers. ;)

Ais писал(а) >>

The problem was from a 2nd grade maths textbook

The textbook was ordinary, the problem was also ordinary, and my solution was also ordinary

But there are even people who argue about the answer to the problem.

By "most", I meant my classmates and teacher.

It was a clear confrontation, they laughed at me.

The teacher has a manual where everything is written down. Apparently, she just didn't read it, which is hard to believe.

By the way, the word "punctuation" doesn't exist in Russian.

Oh! There is a pop, but there is no word. By the way, what has Russian got to do with it? Wasn't it about mathematics?

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Here at least they have a good chance to realise the meaninglessness of their papers. ;)

T-t-totally! (ц) :)


Answer: 1) This part of the forum is in Russian

Answer: 2) You teach people how to write correctly.

Answer: 3) I have no questions about Russian

Answer: 4) you catch on fast!

Ais писал(а) >>

Hint: this part of the forum is in Russian

Hint: "forum" is not a Russian word. :)

Swetten >>:

Подсказка: "форум" -- нерусское слово. :)

You're mean...! ;)

Ais >>:

Ответ: 1) данная часть форума - на русском

Ответ: 2) сама людей учишь правильному писанию

Ответ: 3) у меня о русском языке вопросы отсутствуют

Did I misspell the word "punctuation"? Or what?

What is the point of this three-paragraph scribble?

Four knights were to fight in the tournament arranged by the queen. Of these, Sir Albus was the bravest, Sir Bruce, riding Geronimo's faithful horse, was the mightiest, Sir Caspar, whose face was hidden behind a purple visor, was the most arrogant, and Sir Daniel, whose lance was decorated with a lilac flag, was the wilyest.

The knight with the silver shield rode Evangeline, the knight with the orange sultan on his helmet rode Furney, and the knight with the silver visor rode Hercules.

The knight with the purple shield concealed his face with an orange visor, the other had a silver sultan on his helmet and held an orange shield in his hand, the third had a silver flag on his spear and his shield was lilac, the fourth had a lilac visor and the flag on his spear was purple. Sir Caspar's brother flaunted a lilac sultan and an orange flag.

"Who is this noble knight with the purple sultan?" the queen asked her consort. Help the king answer this question.

Of course, all the knights had flags of different colours, and the same applies to other details of their equipment.