To follow up - page 40


Hm, do you have any idea what to do with such results? I'll tell you the miracle parameter in confidence, so what? :)
You'd still have to give up your home QC and move on.


We're not spying, we're trying to describe phase space.

and to scale the chosen parameters.

Do you have an answer ready behind your back?

But on the line about volatility there is silence. :(

The argument turns out to be about nothing. For the sake of argument in general...

Can we get back to the right coordinates?

Otherwise the question is - what are we discussing?


Candid >>:

Первая ассоциация - это нарезанная ломтиками трёхмерная картинка. Может Вы объясните, какой салат из этого предполагается сделать?

Всё-таки трёхмерная картинка значительно нагляднее, неужели её приготовление более трудоёмко?

Когда-то я тоже полагал что всем всё должно быть ясно с первого взгляда на картинку или на исходник. Поэтому я готов ждать, пока Вы поймёте необходимость хотя бы кратко (но доступно) объяснять что задумано и как это достигнуто.

Позволю себе также напомнить, что кроме диаграмм у меня есть ещё скрины со следами работы симулятора торговли :)

It's called: "The Decision Tree.

Am I right, avatara?

joo >>:

Это называется: "Дерево решений".

Я прав, avatara?

tree of "selection".

We are "nerds" ;)


to Candid

Yeah, I'm going to try. Here's a quote from me, (so un)beloved of you.

Yurixx 31.12.2009 17:43 wrote >>

Context is the area of phase space of market states that is characterized by the fact that for the whole area the same trading solution works. The phase space of market states is formed by a set of parameters that exhaustively characterize this state, i.e. the set of parameters that allows making trade decisions without involving other information. A change in values of these parameters leads to the fact that the market state is described in the phase space by a certain trajectory. The entry or exit of this trajectory from the area of space that defines the context, just means the appearance or disappearance of the context.

Nikolai, be aware of what is highlighted and, especially, what is underlined, and FP will (maybe) reveal itself to you. If so, trying to look at PP with fresh eyes will allow you to get rid of your preconception of "perfect I/O" and even understand that due to the fact that they are "perfect" and not perfect, they give a large number of false signals (short leverage) and very few true ones. And if you relate this to FP, the shroud falls away and everything becomes clear as daylight.


I repeat - this is methodology only. Not to be taken as a real prescription by any means. For a real prescription, there are three other very creative, non-trivial problems to solve.

avatara >>:

Мы же "ботаны" ;)

Sorry, I forgot. ;)

Yurixx >>:

to Candid


Thank you for your support...

Yurixx >>:

Я тоже немало времени в это упирался, пока не понял, что гадание на кофейной гуще ничуть не хуже. С тех пор перешел на кофе. :-)

We both got into it independently of each other some time ago. Now I tell everyone to go the other way and you prove to everyone that it was the right way.

I'm interested in the actual recipes.

avatara >>:

Иначе вопрос - что мы обсуждаем?

After finding out that we have different paths, I am waiting with interest to see where you go from here. Especially since a consensus seems to have been reached a long time ago. Maybe I'm distracting you by talking. :) So I will be silent. But remember, Big Brother is always watching you :)

Candid >>:

Но помните, Большой Брат всегда следит за вами :)

Come on...!
