To follow up - page 39

avatara >>:


Because it is only there that the senior zigzag has switched.

Here we are playing against the high zigzag, so on its upward move shorts will be opened. On a downward move it will open longs.


33 is not a signal.

Again, 33 (and of what dimensionality?) is only a fragment of QC.

I was, however, looking into the future for the transfer of the ideal response function at the principal coordinates to the FP.

But exploring the parameters near the non-significance region of the response is also important - later.

If the profile is random over the whole surface of QC - what QC can we be talking about?

You seem to have shown in your 3D that the profile is not random.

So let's look for coordinates. Measurable in real time.


This is where our paths diverge, me to the RWB, the rest to the TRS :)
Candid >>:
Тут наши пути расходятся, мне к РВВ, остальным к ИВВ :)

Don't be sarcastic.

The TRS is not a TRS.

There are no entrances. That's one. There is a mapping in the phase space of the state of the object with a known ideal result ("output" according to you).

But that too, I repeat, to identify areas where the phase description allows us to see a stable manifestation of a non-random and meaningful (yes! an ideal so far) profit.

is the first step.

I note - all other coordinates are "measured" in real-time - without looking.


Obviously a continuation.

Checking these QC's on a test period.

Your way, on the other hand, reminds me of "optimizing" on a "tester" a K-machine system with M-parameters.

Apart from the dubious pleasure of pseudo results, nothing.

Maybe there will be nothing from this undertaking either.

But we don't use a priori models.

Unlike your TRS, where only the CD is left of the Real, and everything - from parameters to TC is introduced from outside.


avatara >>:

Есть нанечение в фазовом пространстве состояние обьекта с известным идеальным результатом ( по Вашему- "выходом").

Но и это, повторюсь, для определения областей где фазовое описание позволяет увидеть устойчивое проявление неслучайного и значимого профита.

это первый шажок.

In all seriousness I stated my opinion almost immediately, it is about the same as a non-zero MO of the continuation of the stroke of the gear at the moment of shifting, nothing can be made of this wonderful information. However, I could be wrong, let you go this way at least to pictures similar to mine, and then you will see.

Candid >>:

Всерьёз ... вы пройдёте этот путь хотя бы до картинок, аналогичных моим, а там видно будет.

I told you about the approaches.

Now just enlarge the picture.

You can see that Direct and DirectH are the junior and senior 33 directions.


avatara >>:

Я говорю о подходах.

А теперь просто увеличьте картинку

The first association is with a sliced three-dimensional picture. Can you explain what kind of salad this is supposed to make?

The three-dimensional picture is much clearer, isn't it more time-consuming to make?

Some time ago, I also thought that everything should be clear to everyone from the first glance on the picture or on the source. Therefore, I am ready to wait until you understand the need to explain, at least briefly (but comprehensible), what is intended and how it is achieved.

I'll also remind you, that besides diagrams I have more screenshots with traces of trade simulator's work :)

Candid >>:

Первая ассоциация - это нарезанная ломтиками трёхмерная картинка. Может Вы объясните, какой салат из этого предполагается сделать?

Всё-таки трёхмерная картинка значительно нагляднее, неужели её приготовление более трудоёмко?

Когда-то я тоже полагал что всем всё должно быть ясно с первого взгляда на картинку или на исходник. Поэтому я готов ждать, пока Вы поймёте необходимость хотя бы кратко (но доступно) объяснять что задумано и как это достигнуто.

Позволю себе также напомнить, что кроме диаграмм у меня есть ещё скрины со следами работы симулятора торговли :)

It's a breakdown and very rough on the CC.

With the wrong coordinates, so far.

And 80K observations don't look good on a graph.

And it's an illustration of a possible search methodology, not its results.



Appreciate the humour!

avatara >>:

Это разбивка и очень грубая на КК.

С неправильными координатами, пока.

А 80К наблюдений плохо смотрятся на графике.

И это иллюстрация возможной методологии поиска, а не его результатов.

Hmmm, I wonder if I should repeat myself :) . I recently tried to explain long and tediously in this thread that I have absolutely no idea what to do with the results obtained by such methodology.

80K numbers for a 3D picture is not much. It all depends on how you process and present it.

By the way, some time ago, unimaginably long ago, I told you how I created additional characteristics for orders. You could make a simple simulator in an indicator on these same features.

Candid >>:

Хм, вот думаю, повторяться или не нужно :) .

I think it is not necessary.

I recently tried to explain in this thread long and tediously that I have absolutely no idea what to do with the results obtained by such methodology.


By the way, once upon a time, unimaginably long ago, I told you how I make additional characteristics for orders. You could make a simple simulator in an indicator on the same features.

All the way from the CC.

and that's a pity...