A mathematician is needed - page 5

Prival >> :

If you can't find a mathematician suitable for you. You can contact me (my qualifications can be determined from this forum). All of the above is available. But I am not going to just give it away or send it to anyone.

For reference already financially independent and free. For what would I have started on someone to work you have to offer something very interesting and "tasty.

Coordinates: Skype -> p r i v a l o v - s v

E-mail p r i v a l o v - s v @ m a i l . r u

Remove all the spaces, they are unnecessary.

Summary, please mail to me.

VictorArt писал(а) >>

A summary, please mail it to me.

Sergey, Prival, send me a picture of the latrine covered with your copyright certificates))). As I remember, even the newspapers wrote about this latrine.


I have a question for you Sergey Kovalyov on that forum and SK here is the same person ?
I don't think it's him. Age, style, place of residence do not match. By the way, there is another Sergey Kovalyov on this forum too.
VictorArt >> :

CVs please mail to me.

You misunderstand a little. I'm not asking for you, but if you want me to work for you. You're going to have to try really, really hard.
Prival >> :

I have a question for you Sergey Kovalyov on that forum and SK here is the same person ?
Sorry, I don't know, I didn't ask. It's a common surname.
VictorArt >> :
More informative here
It's not opening for me.
gip писал(а) >>
It's not opening for me.

Try right-clicking - save object as...

Thanks. It's on a thin channel (5KB/sec before me), so it didn't open.
Prival >> :

You don't understand. I'm not asking for you, but if you want me to work for you. You're gonna have to try really, really hard.

When working as part of a team, you can't afford the luxury of showing off. No one is going to pay money for showing off. You pay for results.

If you already have everything, then why should I try to make you have even more? :)

Enjoy what you got.