A mathematician is needed - page 4

VictorArt >> :

Only one resume has arrived so far :)

I want more.

If somebody have good ideas about this theme (theory, calculations, algorithms, software), then please send me their descriptions - may be something will be useful.

"Maybe you should get a key to the flat where the money is."

Are you even aware of the salaries of financial mathematicians? I can assure you there are no poor people among them. The kindergarten thing you've done here isn't going to interest anyone.


Smart people looking for talent!

It's a good topic.

Let's all get smarter...

Dear VictorArt, you are talking sheep in the wrong place. There are plenty of them in the mountain meadows, and you don't take a cat in a poke here. Open your aims, and people will be drawn to you. In the beginning you sound serious, but then you start joking around. Please...
IlyaA >>:
Уважаемый, VictorArt, вы занимаетесь заговариванием баранов не в том месте. Их много на горных лугах, а здесь кота в мешке не берут. Откройте свои цели, и люди потянуться. В начале вроде серьезно выступили, а потом отшучиваться взялись. Я Вас умоляю...

No one wants to keep the thread at the top - I have to do it myself :)

I've already told you about the goals - StartUp. That's all.

The rest is a trade secret.

OK, let's talk. People come to this forum, not to become addicts, but to find freedom. And you suggest working as a plankton with no paycheck and no office. Do you feel the discrepancy? Who do you think needs it? Once again, I recommend talking to people as equals, it's a bonding experience.
IlyaA >> :
OK, let's talk. People come to this forum, not to become addicted, but to find freedom. And you propose to work as a plankton, and without a salary and an office. Do you feel the discrepancy? Who do you think needs it? Once again, I recommend talking to people as equals, it's a bonding experience.

Everything is a trade secret, including the amount of compensation.

In other words, the sequence of actions is as follows:

1. We collect resumes.

2. Now we discuss project - initial stage of StartUp, so no one can say anything specific.

3. If some of them turn out to be useful, we call them and invite them to talk to us in more detail

StartUp is a good thing because a competent person can quickly make a career and find the very "freedom" that many people dream about here.

Again, I'm looking even here because "you never know where you'll find it - where you'll lose it". What if?

VictorArt писал(а) >>

About the goals I've already mentioned - StartUp. That's all.

The rest is a trade secret.

When so much has been said about the goals, you don't even have any questions about the rest. :-)

The ancient Greeks had an aphorism: "It's better to be the last in the kingdom of the living than the first in the kingdom of the dead". It's about a career in StartUp. How much do you estimate the probability of it not turning out to be "the kingdom of the dead" ? Just be honest.

VictorArt >> :

Only one resume has arrived so far :)

I want more.

If somebody has any good works on this theme (theory, calculations, algorithms, software), please send their descriptions - may be something will be useful.

If you can't find a mathematician suitable for you. You can contact me (my qualifications can be determined from this forum). All of the above is there. But just to give and send someone or just not going to.

For reference already financially independent and free. For what would I have started on someone to work you have to offer something very interesting and "tasty.

Coordinates: Skype -> p r i v a l o v - s v

E-mail p r i v a l o v - s v @ m a i l . r u

Remove all the spaces, they are unnecessary.