"The 'perfect' trading system - page 53

VictorArt >> :

What nonsense :)...

>> :

I agree :))).

Vinin >> :

We are the only ones who know how to make 52 pages of rubbish. In a word - complete nonsense.

At least you get the irony now, don't you? :))

granit77 >> :

At least the irony comes through now, right? :))

If the question is for me, I didn't get it - it was half a metre short :)

VictorArt >> :

If the question is for me, I didn't make it - it was half a metre short :)

To you, to you... I can see it myself, but I can't help it. :))

granit77 >> :

To you, to you... I can see what I'm missing, but I can't help it. :))

That's good.

So you were born grown up straight away - you didn't get the humour :)

Apparently, our discrepancy in basic knowledge is too great - you still do not understand almost anything I say here, even humour from my distant childhood.

VictorArt >> :

"Inertia (from Latin inertia - inaction), inertia (in mechanics), a property of material bodies, reflected in the 1st and 2nd laws of mechanics. When external influences on the body (forces) are absent or are mutually balanced, I. is manifested in the fact that the body maintains its unchanged state of motion or rest in relation to the so-called inertial reference frame. If, however, an unbalanced system of forces acts on the body, the property of I. is manifested in the fact that the change in the state of rest or motion of the body, i.e. the change in the velocity of its points, occurs gradually, not instantaneously; at the same time the motion changes the slower the greater the I. of the body. The measure of I. of a body is its mass." BSE

The dictionary says that it is a property of material bodies.

The price is clearly not a material body. What kind of inertia can we be talking about in relation to price?

"Impulse (from Latin impulsus - impact-push), 1) mechanical impulse, a measure of mechanical motion; it is a vector quantity, equal for a material point to the product of the mass m of this point by its velocity v".

The price has mass, too, doesn't it? :)

You are engaged in pseudoscience and also are offended it is not clear what.

I couldn't help myself...

There is no such thing as an abstract price. But the price of this or that tool, to use a physical analogy, does have similar properties.

My advice - try to trade on different pairs at the same time. With your hands! ;)

The difference between 100kg and 5kg and the presence of counterbalancing forces will be noticed immediately...

FreeLance >> :

I couldn't help myself...

There is no such thing as an abstract price. But the price of this or that instrument, if you use physical analogies, does have similar properties.

My advice - try to trade on different pairs at the same time. With your hands! ;)

The difference in 100 kg. and 5 kg. and also the presence of counterbalancing forces you'll notice at once...

Every morning I wake up and look at the Sun - it obviously rotates around the Earth - even a child can see that :)

Visual illusions and phenomena

Vinin >> :

We are the only ones who know how to make 52 pages of rubbish. In a word - complete nonsense.

It's an attempt to resuscitate Safonov's doping. >> That's what it looked like to me.

VictorArt >> :

Every morning I wake up and look at the Sun - it clearly revolves around the Earth - even a child can see that :)

Visual illusions and phenomena

You'll have to practise on the trade first. And looking out the window is not a great science.

If the price properties of an instrument (in fact any object under discussion) allow you to use analogies of the world around you - don't you use them yourself?

And what are you actually discussing? If we're talking about adapting a response function to random straying - one topic.

If psychological tests of audience sanity are another.

And the frequent quoting of psychological websites and the evaluations that have taken place suggest that the second one is closer... :)

And the discussion (if I may say so) is extremely difficult.

FreeLance >> :

You have to practice trading first. And looking out the window is not a great science.

The science is either there or it is not.

"Mass, a physical quantity, one of the main characteristics of matter, determining its inertial and gravitational properties. Accordingly, a distinction is made between inertial and gravitational (heavy, gravitational) mass.
The concept of M. was introduced into mechanics by J. Newton. In Newton's classical mechanics, mass is part of the definition of momentum (angular momentum) of a body: momentum p is proportional to the velocity of the body v,".
For a price, mass is indeterminate - that says it all.

And of course, anything can be "lumped" into the price, from the psychology of the crowd to the stars in the sky.

VictorArt >> :

The science is either there or it is not.

"Mass, a physical quantity, is one of the main characteristics of matter, determining its inertial and gravitational properties. A distinction is drawn accordingly between inertial and gravitational (gravity, gravitation) M.
The concept of M. was introduced into mechanics by J. Newton. In Newton's classical mechanics, mass is part of the definition of momentum (angular momentum) of a body: momentum p is proportional to the velocity of the body v,".
For price, mass is indeterminate - this says it all.

And the price can of course be "capped" with anything, from the psychology of crowds to the stars in the sky.

You're talking about a tool and you're talking about an Emel.

FreeLance >> :

There is no such thing as an abstract price.