"The 'perfect' trading system - page 39

Svinozavr >> :

))) I gave the definition of the principle: "drunk in a subway". Perhaps, the author who named his approach as "General Theory of Trading" (GST) this analogy makes him cringe. But his sense of humour and critical self-appraisal are not very good at all. However, it has nothing to do with the essence of his TS. It has to do with his attitude to TC.)))

Actually, it wasn't you who gave this definition, "Illustration of the process.
Suppose you are very drunk and you are walking down a narrow, winding corridor.
1. Your trajectory is random and is your own function, I mean you "synthesize" it yourself.
2. The corridor ("price series") and its walls (targets and stops) prevent you from going beyond the corridor, in other words, the corridor walls synchronise you with your function (the shape of the corridor curve).

See my comments and don't violate my copyright from now on.

So there's nothing wrong with my sense of humour :))


What does "drunk" have to do with it anyway?

Because when unconscious/drunk, the drunk is in simple/primitive kerb-to-kerb search mode - on a sine wave.

See also Animal Search Behaviour

"A.G. As far as I understood, the key word in your reasoning was the word "scenario", that is, the ruffian acts according to some kind of scenario, making a hypothesis about what will happen next.

Yes, and it does so on the basis of, in general, a random event. By chance he gets either a large particle or a small one. Based on this brief isolated event, again speaking anthropomorphically, the hoopoe hypothesizes that he will continue to catch one kind of particles (either large or small). This prediction extends to more than just one next particle, and the result of this prediction is as follows: When particles of different sizes are mixed completely randomly, the experiment protocol shows that particle attachments and refusals follow in series. That is, there is a tendency for attachments to repeat one after another. And after rejection, there is a tendency to repeat rejections. Despite this, the overall result is still that the minnow attaches mostly decent particles. Why does it use such an algorithm, why do it make such hypotheses? The fact is that there is no random distribution of anything in nature. In real streams both flat particles and round particles, small and large particles are not mixed randomly. On the contrary, homogeneous particles are collected in certain places, depending on the current, depending on the depth. Therefore, if a streamer finds good particles somewhere, in real life it means to stay here and search further. We conducted such an experiment, which would have led the brookworm to a dead end if it had been systematically exploring the environment. It simply would not have been able to find what it needed. We can show you what it looked like: the experimental setup, which was just a small corridor that was all covered with sand, but in one small section of it there were also shells mixed in with the sand.

VictorArt >> :

This is specific to traders' forums - any new ideas are vigorously vilified.

Some forums use this feature for their promotion.

I usually do not provoke anyone first - only in response - "wedge the wedge out".

Moreover, sometimes I have to wait until some "excessively hot talkers" have normalized their hormonal balance in order to be able to continue normal communication with them.

Wait a minute! Where did you see any "filth"?

You just show some screenshots with huge percentages, praising your "general trading theory", consisting of one phrase, while your PAM slowly but surely is losing. Show the results and there will be interest. There's no time to deal with every leaking system.

I'm sorry, but something doesn't quite add up

Pegasmaster >> :

Wait a minute! Where did you see any "dirt"?

You just show some screenshots with crazy percentages, extol your "general trading theory" consisting of one phrase, while your PAM slowly but surely is losing. Show the results and there will be interest. There is no time to deal with every losing system.

>> Sorry, but it doesn't add up somehow.

Why should I? :)

I told you that there is such a thing as "General Theory of Trading" and the example of its use in the form of an adaptive EA - who is interested in this and get interested :)

If you are not interested, then it's obviously your problem, not mine - I have no reason to cause it (interest) in you personally and spend my time on it.

VictorArt >> :

What do I need it for? :)

I told you that there is such a thing as the "General Theory of Trading" and an example of its use in the form of an adaptive EA - whoever is interested and may get interested :)

If you are not interested, it's obviously your problem, not mine - I have no reason to cause it (interest) in you personally and spend my time on it.

I seem to have a problem with your adviser's lack of interest, don't I?

When there is some result, then we can look at it.

Pegasmaster >> :

Do I seem to have a problem, due to my lack of interest in your advisor?

When there will be some result, then we will be able to see.

Yeah, you'd better wait for someone else to bring you a ready-made "grail" :)

VictorArt >> :

If you don't have an interest, that's clearly your problem, not mine ...

Wrong ...

This is the problem of your investors, who believed in the screenshots and OTT (General Theory of Trading), invested in PAMM and

They lost REAL money. After all, no one warned them that PAMM is created for experiments.

And this is not my subjective opinion, but the opinion of investors, expressed on the branch of PAMM.


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I ran an EA in the "Perfect Trading System" thread an hour and a half ago, here's the result:

VictorArt >> :

Yeah, you'd better wait for someone else to bring you a ready-made "grail" :)

Actually, no one asked you to bring anything. It's purely your initiative.

Do you think your system is perfect? Prove it with your results.

Why should anyone be interested in another leaky system?

You don't make any sense, do you?

Good luck in trading! I'll keep an eye on your pam once in a while though.

p.s. And what makes you think I'm waiting for something ready to come to me? By the way, you have everything ready, you even have a patent.