Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 270

alexx_v писал(а) >>
What, again?!(>>

Fuck it - the world won't end again, so don't get your hopes up ))

Who told you about the end of the world?! ;-) A normal planned correction.

After 100 years of growth it is time to correct!
the first wave of the crisis A-wave has corrected by exactly 50% of the century-old growth wave,
now there is a pull-up to the 80.9% price level of 13000 points,
if the B-wave turns at 80.9%, then a Flat is formed,
Flat figures are formed before the psychological levels (round numbers).
.e.The S-wave Flat ends at the psychological level of 5000 points, which by the way
is reinforced by the significant Fibo level of 61.8% of the US economic growth,
If the global B-wave turns at 61.8%, then the C-wave should grow at 161.8%.
The most interesting is that 161.8% coincides with the psychological level of 20,000 points.

So it's not the end of the world, just a small bump - a couple or three companies will collapse
and then everything will grow again... :)
zhuki >>:
А,что в психушке бывает амнистия по поводу 65 летия Дня Победы.

Got out early, though :)

NYROBA писал(а) >> a secular growth wave

Maybe in secular waves there are secular levels? Since the secular growth of the Dow is not only related to the growth of companies that were at the very beginning of the century, but also to their replacement by new ones and simply the departure (bankruptcy) of old companies and the arrival of new companies that started to be counted in the Dow? And the calculation formulas have changed several times. In general, it is difficult to take into account the events and facts that were 100 years ago, and how they affect today's events is a big question? )))

LeoV писал(а) >>

Maybe in secular waves there are secular levels? Since the secular growth of the Dow is not only related to the growth of companies that were at the very beginning of the century, but also to their replacement by new ones and simply the departure (bankruptcy) of old companies and the arrival of new companies that have become accounted for in the Dow? And the calculation formulas have changed several times. In general, it is difficult to take into account the events and facts that were 100 years ago, and how they affect today's events is a big question? )))

In order to determine the golden section of the wave in price, you need two points - the minimum and the global maximum.
In order to determine the golden section in time, you also draw the Fibonacci time zones from left to right.
In those points where the Fibonacci levels cross price and time, global trend reversals occur.
It is not necessary to consider the events that occurred within the wave,
Remember one of the postulates of the Dow? - price takes everything into account.

NYROBA писал(а) >> the price takes everything into account.

Your chart takes Greece's problems into account, but you don't take into account possible problems in Spain and Britain and possibly elsewhere in the future. ))) And you also didn't take into account that all financiers watch porn at work. ))))

NYROBA писал(а) >>

In order to determine the golden section of the wave in price, you need two points - the minimum and the global maximum.
In order to determine the golden section by time, you also draw the Fibonacci time zones from left to right.
At those points where the Fibonacci levels intersect in price and time, global trend reversals occur.
It is not necessary to consider events that occurred within the wave,
Remember one of the postulates of Dow? - price takes everything into account.

The question is if you are ready to bet half of your deposit to fulfill this prediction, I mean buy EUR at 12800 and close at 15400 and not earlier.

I'm sure Alex is willing to bet ALL his deposit on the prediction )))
Bocman писал(а) >>

The question is: are you ready to bet half of your deposit on the execution of this prediction I mean you buy euro at 12800 and close at 15400 and not earlier in any case

Yes, I am! Moreover, I am in the process of opening two PAMM accounts,
at different brokers, so that everything happens in real time.

NYROBA писал(а) >>

The Fibonacci time zones show that oil will be $12/barrel tentatively in November/December 2012.
All of the world indices from the DJA to the DAX are at their lowest by the end of 2012.
The Dow is just under 5000 points, the DAX is around 2000 points. The demand for oil depends on the world economy.
falls, the demand for oil will fall...

We thought the Mayans predicted the end of the world from the sun, it turns out the end of the world was predicted by Nilley in 2012 :) dry the breadcrumbs and build arks!

elritmo писал(а) >>

We thought the Mayans predicted the end of the world from the sun, but it turns out the world is predicted to end by Nilly in 2012 :) drying breadcrumbs and rigging arks!

What does Neely have to do with this? It's Niroba's prognosis.

Alex is finally opening a PAMM account. We've been waiting for this for a long time. When you open it, please give us your investment password.