Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 275

forte928 >>:

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Odessa rests... Instead of an answer to a simple question about the possibility of a drop below 1.2 euro/dollar - a literary blather with a reference to a multi bukofntsy branch and the same bignovectorny malunok.

So where is the trend(possession) and where is the correction(water)?

And where to?

Why is it so difficult to show the drawing and comment on it?

You are talking out of your ass.

Please, kindly.

Do not judge the neophytes.

Describe your vision. It's important to a lot of people.

And you Mr "Unspeakable" could justify the contradictory theses - buy at 1.26 sell at 1.5x. with the global averaging theory.
forte928 писал(а) >>

Niroba, tell me why your golden section on a weekly TF did not work but is reflected in the 23% level from the beginning of the fall in 2008...Have you noticed that this variant also often works than your 38%, further 88% also often occurs as a reversal level, as 205% for an elongated wave length...

the 23.6% level is the weakest, i.e. in 95% of cases out of 100
price breaks through this level and goes to at least 38.2%

13.07.2008 price crossed the resistance level 123.6% and
time zone 161.8% - a signal of the change of the global trend.

FreeLance писал(а) >>
And you Mr "Unspeakable" could justify the contradictory theses - buy at 1.26 sell at 1.5x. with the global averaging theory.

If you use a conservative trading strategy, you should not take profits at 1.54,
but at 1.72. By my calculations, around November 2010, the price should test its historical
The price should test its historical maximum, the price d and the reversal zone 1.72-1.75 (it is highlighted with yellow color).

When prices intersect with the Fibo time levels, it is usually at these points that trend reversals occur.

Unfortunately or fortunately the future is predetermined... See for yourself at the end of 2010.
Bocman писал(а) >>

They don't go against the downtrend, because it is going down. To make it a rising trend they need a flat, at least not a big one. And the fundamental picture should change for the opposite.
So try to rethink the situation at the market and do the right thing, if you do not understand what is happening at no cost ready to help you to multiply your PAMA
Sincerely BOCMAN.

New guy say ;-))))))))
NYROBA писал(а) >>

the 23.6% level is the weakest, i.e. in 95% of 100 cases
the price breaks through this level and goes to at least 38.2%

on 13.07.2008 the price crossed the resistance level of 123.6% and
time zone 161.8% - a signal of the change of the global trend.

Don't bullshit and don't twist words, I told you about 23% level, not about 123%, there is no such level and it does not participate - only 127% level participates in active work...
I asked you about the 23% level on a weekly trend...

And regarding the reversal on Thursday 6.05.2010 the price at the moment was reflected from the 205% level and not from your 161 ...
so the eu is now going into the fourth wave of the fifth wave down...

forte928 >>:

Ты лапшу не вешай и не переворачивай слова, я тебе говорил о 23% уровне, а не о 123%, такого нет и он неучаствует - участвует в активной работе лишь 127% уровень..
Я тебе спршивал о 23% уровне на недельном тренде..

А по поводу того что в четверг 6.05.2010 произошел разворот то цена в данный момент отразилась от 205% уровня а не от твоего 161..
поэтому евр сейчас уходит на четвертую волну пятой волны вниз..

That's specific.

Thank you.

If Mr. N is really pissed off and will patiently wait in the spirit of his predictions. - that's one thing!

Forte offers another scenario - a pullback and down again!

Battle of the Titans!

And we are the pygmies with "buy! and "sell" buttons...


forte928 писал(а) >>

Don't bullshit me and twist my words around, I told you about 23% level, not about 123%, there is no such level and it doesn't participate - only 127% level is active...
I asked you about the 23% level on a weekly trend...

And regarding the reversal on Thursday 6.05.2010 the price at the moment was reflected from the 205% level and not from your 161 ...
so the eur is now going into the fourth wave of the fifth wave down...

I looked at your charts and the way the markup is done, it looks like a price adjustment to incomprehensible levels,
I can make some serious comments.

First, to determine the end of the current wave, the Fibo net must be sketched on
previous wave, and it must be magnetized to extremum points, ie if the trend is upward,
then sketch from below up, if downward, then the opposite, otherwise you will not get
exact points of the trend reversal.
If you don't observe this MAIN RULE and sketch "from the ballpark", anyway
price will reverse at one of your 11 levels - it's more like a fitting, not an analysis.

Second, you use 11 levels, and some levels have NOTHING to do with
Fibonacci levels, and are not found anywhere in the wave theory literature?
Please explain, where did you get them from?
I've never seen levels of 127%, 205%, 5%, 9%, 14.6%, etc.

Imho, the more levels in the net, the more likely the price will reverse on one of them! ))

Посмотрел на Ваш графики и то как сделана разметка,
Поясните, пожалуйста, откуда вы их взяли?
Нигде ни разу не встречал уровни 127%, 205%, 5%, 9%, 14.6% и т.д.


Mendeleev didn't know all the elements in his table either:)))