Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 276

NYROBA писал(а) >>

I looked at your charts and the way the markup is done, it looks like price fitting to obscure levels,
I can make some serious remarks.

First, in order to determine the end of the current wave, the Fibo net must be cast at
previous, and be sure to magnetize to the extremum points, ie if the trend is upward,
then cast upward from below, if downward, vice versa, otherwise you will not get
exact points of trend reversal.
If you don't observe this MAIN RULE and sketch "from the ballpark", anyway
price will reverse at one of your 11 levels - it's more like a fitting, not an analysis.

Second, you use 11 levels, and some levels have NOTHING to do with
Fibonacci levels, and are not found anywhere in the wave theory literature?
Please explain, where did you get them from?
I've never seen levels of 127%, 205%, 5%, 9%, 14.6%, etc.

Imho, the more levels in the net, the more likely the price will reverse on one of them! ))
For some reason all out-of-the-box solutions work much more effectively than anything described in the literature only 50% of the time...
forte928 писал(а) >>
somehow all out of the box solutions work much more effectively than anything described in the literature only 50% of the time.
not a fact, or do you have statistics? ))

Fun thread nothing to say))) especially on the communication ... Alexey even leads leads, and he banal banal in response, wiping all the noses) Bravo)

I personally know one person, a friend and a client of Alexis, who recommended that I go to him, which I will do in the near future. This man

I'll do it soon. This man has never regretted the recommendation, on the contrary, he is very satisfied ... just find a compromise with greed;)

Alexey's trading method is simple and ingenious at the same time: he follows the trend, but not always closes the deal at take profit .....

The simplicity - yes, the genius - yes. Ease of repetition - no. Hence, so many

because it's easier to insult someone than to admit they're wrong.

They are more likely to be offended than to admit that they are wrong.

(a)))), but they don't have time to do it and they don't have time to do it properly)))))), especially if you are an expert and do not know how to do it properly.

Aleksey, I wish you good luck in the future. What is your profit so far? I apologize if this question is not correct.

Synexs >>:

Веселая ветка ничего не скажешь)) особенно по общению...Алексея аж выводят, а он банально стебется в ответ, попутно утирая всем носы) Браво)

Лично знаю одного человека, друга и клиента Алексея, который мне порекомендовал к нему обратиться, что я в скором времени и сделаю. Этот человек

еще ни разу не пожалел о рекомендациях, наоборот он очень доволен...остается лишь найти компромисс с жадностью;)

Методика торговли Алексея проста и гениальна одновременно: он следует по тренду, но не всегда заканчивает сделку по тейк-профиту....часто закрывает

после небольшого движения, открывая потом позиции немного выше...простота - да, гениальность - да. Легкость в повторении - нет. Отсюда и столько

завистников т.к. проще оскорбить человека, нежели признать свою неправоту.

Да и еще меня очень радуют требования по предоставлению инвест-пароля...как же народ любит халяву, глянуть сделки, так же выставить ордера и дальше

курить бамбук, попутно подстригая пипсы))) и еще ругая, что нельзя круглосуточно мониторить)))

Алексей желаю Вам и в дальнейшем удачной торговли. Какая прибыль на данный момент у Вас с начала работы? Прошу прощения, если вопрос некорректен.

)))) In the "Spam spammers and their accomplices") or "Naked advertising" branch.

ZS. Do not invest the password in any case. If the person provides paid services, we should at least monitor the account. Is there any monitoring? Potential customers do not care about the images of markup. And he does not care about forum chatter. He needs proof of profitable trading. We also need monitoring. And even better a PAMM account. If we do not have such a proof, we will not put them in the right place. If we do not have a clear view of the market, we will have to use the PAMM account.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

)))) In the "Spam spammers and their accomplices") or "Naked advertising" branch.

ZS. Do not invest the password in any case. If the person provides paid services, we should at least monitor the account. Is there any monitoring? The potential client pictures with markup does not care. And he does not care about forum chatter. He needs proof of profitable trading. We also need monitoring. And even better a PAMM account. If we do not have such a proof, we will not put them in the right place. If you do not know the difference between the market and the real one, you may ask your masters to offer you a real trading service.

I have not addressed you, but to Alexei. Please do not interfere in the conversation. The result is a man and I personally saw it (the result) and with you and others like you in the conversation will not engage.


I remember hearing a good phrase ... Who was talking and where it is not remember ... phone conversation between the client and analyst:

A: - Hello. Look at the bill when you come home.

K: - Okay, what is it?

A: - Remember, we both opened positions today?

R: Yes, I remember, but what about them?

A: - They closed: - You made $350 and I got a BMW.

Synexs >>:

Я обращался не к Вам, а к Алексею. Прошу не встревать в разговор. Результат у человека есть и я его лично видел(результат), а с Вами и Вам подобными в беседу вступать не намерен.


Помниться слышал хорошую фразу одну...кто говорил и откуда она непомню...разговор по телефону клиента и аналитика:

А: - Привет. Глянь на счет, когда приедешь домой.

К: - Хорошо, а что там?

А: - Помнишь, мы оба открыли позиции сегодня?

К: - Да помню, а что с ними?

А: - Они закрылись: - Ты заработал 350 долларров, а я на БМВ.

I apologise profusely...but to address Alexei personally, there are private messages. If it is written in a public message, especially if the tone of advertising is not clearly covered, then anyone can respond.

What you personally saw - no one cares. And it certainly can not serve as proof of profitable trade Nirobka. It's all empty talk, moreover, looks like cheap PR. What do you want to say with this post? Where is the PAMM, where at least a run-of-the-mill monitoring? They are so fast... they saw it in person. If I'm already taking my word for it, I'm pulling down my parquet at home and taking out my stash and giving it to Nirobka for management because on this forum, the person with 2 posts, who apparently registered just a couple hours ago, said he had seen successful results of Nirobka's trading)))).

Not even funny. Worse than kindergarten...someone, somewhere, saw something there...some friend, some friend...said, recommended. Is this some kind of gypsy mail?...? What? Dear sir, we're talking about money. Money, blood money, so to speak. Why are you making such a big deal out of this, I beg your pardon? You said some friend... who saw it? Are you kidding me? You think all this talk is enough to give a man money to manage? Are you kidding me? I, as for example a potential customer, do not need... your saw, some friend said - it's all nonsense. I want to see PAMM, monitoring over a long period of time. Do I have to give money for your bullshit, taking your word for it? Yeah ... look for fools ...

Synexs >>:

I'm plagued by strange doubts.... ;)

Andrey Rating: 2

Registered in May 2010.

Very strange...

Eh, I'd like to see the apis :)

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

I apologise profusely...but to address Alexei personally, there are private messages. If it is written in a public message, especially if the tone of advertising is not clearly covered, then anyone can respond.

What you personally saw - no one cares. And it certainly can not serve as proof of profitable trade Nirobka. It's all empty talk, moreover, looks like cheap PR. What do you want to say with this post? Where is the PAMM, where at least a run-of-the-mill monitoring? They are so fast... they saw it in person. If I'm already taking my word for it, I'm pulling down my parquet at home and taking out my stash and giving it to Nirobka for management because on this forum, the person with 2 posts, who apparently registered just a couple hours ago, said he had seen successful results of Nirobka's trading)))).

Not even funny. Worse than kindergarten...someone, somewhere, saw something there...some friend, some friend...said, recommended. Is this some kind of gypsy mail?...? What? Dear sir, we're talking about money. Money, blood money, so to speak. Why are you making such a big deal out of this, I beg your pardon? You said some friend... who saw it? Are you kidding me? You think all this talk is enough to give a man money to manage? Are you kidding me? I, as for example a potential customer, do not need... your saw, some friend said - it's all nonsense. I want to see PAMM, monitoring over a long period of time. Do I have to give money for your bullshit, taking your word for it? Yeah ... look for fools ...

I will answer your question: I am not asking anyone to give their money to Alexey. I just admire the way he wipes your noses) Everyone has the freedom to manage their own money. If you do not want to, no one can force you. Once again, it is easier to sling mud at a man than to admit his inadequacy) as they say: "Labour activity can be portrayed, but such a trick cannot be done with the mind ;)

Question for you:

Why are you sitting in this thread? Apparently not for nothing).


About the "advertising":

With your arguments you feel like a heretic in the Middle Ages: whatever action you commit, there will always be "scientific" and "worldly" arguments to make you guilty.

Necron писал(а) >>

I'm plagued by strange doubts.... ;)

Very, very strange...


Another series of witch hunts? ;)

Synexs >>:

Очередная серия охоты на ведьм?;)

Next, Alexey, you can already write in blue :) That phrase could only be uttered by someone who has been on this forum for a long time, but by no means with today's registration. The communication style is the same. Better disguise yourself ;)