Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 232

LeoV >> :

Do you think Neuroba is a bot? ....)))

he's a cidarmoth.

Sorento >> :

And here seems to be the author. All - method, NRB24, screenshots and bots.

Don't insult the deputy chief!

nrb24 is neuroba senior

FBC's gay investment fund neuroba jr.

they are the famous moron brothers

they travel all over the world and perform in the circus


Interesting, everyone writes that Niroba cheated. Let those who have been scammed by Niroba, who have been scammed and for money, write in the thread. Let them show the proof that Niroba cheated them for money. There are scans of receipts and so on. After that, the case can be considered in the legal sphere.

In theory, if Niroba was a scammer, there would be dozens of people scammed by him in this thread. In practice, there is a cluster of aging underdog lovers of venal love and deadbeats, equestrian-siders, Uncle Fyodor-siders and other personalities who, among other things, are constantly hallucinating about being surrounded by clones.

So far I see only one idiot, e=mc2, who apparently listened to Niroba, and even found some blog, where he made his forecast about gold, and probably sold it without any stops up to the tomatoes.

Well, as you know, such idiots are the ones who keep our profits.

TsaiShenYeh >> :

In theory, if Niroba was a scammer, there would be dozens of people scammed by him in this thread.

your idea is so ... and the deductive method is not hard to guess that cheated suckers are those who attended his seminars and training

they do not want to believe they are suckers (typical behavior of sectarians and network marketers)

clone suckers prove to themselves and others that they are not suckers.

oil >> :

it's your idea... and the deductive method is easy to guess that the scammers are those who have attended his seminars and training.

they do not want to believe they are suckers (typical behavior of sectarians and network marketers)

Clone suckers prove to themselves and others that they are not suckers.

Weak argument.

Even amongst sectarians and network marketers, there are bound to be those who claim to have been ripped off. So far I have not seen any.


The humanity is that he is afraid to admit that he has been cheated and robbed... That is why we all live happily and prosperously - even though everyone makes fools of us at every turn and imposes their interests... It is only necessary to look around and everything falls into place.

TsaiShenYeh >> :

That's a weak argument.

Even among the sectarians and network marketers, there are those who claim to have been ripped off. While such I do not observe.

this isn't a confessional, who wants to admit to being a sucker?

I can't remember who in the last thread was praising their study group at neuroby's.

What can you teach a lying scumbag who makes screenshots, passes off demos as real, and lies about Bali and the investment fund?

>> you don't want to admit to being a sucker yourself.

Sorento писал(а) >>

This is how history is painted. Orwell would be horrified...

Poor Niroba can't even fake a screenshot properly, he's probably only heard of photoshop, and he can use Paint with a "3".

What do you expect from such a talented trader?

oil >> :

this isn't a confessional, who wants to admit to being a sucker?

I can't remember who in the last thread was bragging about how they were in neurobe's band.

What can you teach a lying scumbag who draws screenshots, passes off demos as real, lies about Bali and an investment fund?

>> you don't want to admit to being a sucker yourself.

That's bullshit. I did not learn from Niroba and I did not pay him any money. I did not bribe him with screenshots and did not give him any money to manage. But Niroba has provided at least some evidence, and you oeal put 20K on the real and traded with Niroba on a bet. Did that happen?

Niroba has demo or real - fate will decide on Monday.

TsaiShenYeh >> :

That's ridiculous. I didn't learn from Niroba and I didn't pay him any money. I didn't divorce him for screenshots, and I didn't give him any money to manage. But Niroba provided at least some evidence, and you're the one who put 20K on the real and traded with Niroba for a bet. Did it happen?

Niroba has demo or real - fate will decide on Monday.

You're a sucker for Niroba and you'll do it to the end on principle.

Don't give me that bullshit... it's the lousy punk who's been yelling about the competition.

When I myself want to post an invest it will not be at someone's request but solely at my initiative to discuss this or that tech analysis and not in a similar thread

and it's bullshit to compete

I knew from the beginning neuroba would pull a stunt and insisted on showing the bank account repeatedly

Neuroba said he doesn't need a bank account.

If you think anyone trades tens of K's and don't have a bank account you're a LOSS.

Go to the judo class, or go punch some pears.