Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 163

Pegasmaster >> :

Just lock your onyx account. And ALL questions will go away.

No one will ever believe the screenshots and stats.

And as you posted login-password, you could not have posted (some kind of spy passion).

If you want to prove something, you have no choice but to monitor.

What is left is an unbinding rant that cannot be proven or refuted. Talking "for nothing".

It's been repeated for a do not know how many times, the author has no arguments AGAINST it, but the call "does not hear".

ZZY The monitoring will show equity drawdowns at the MK limit and the MK itself, which will be an anti-advertisement.

goldtrader писал(а) >>

This has been repeated many times, the author has no arguments AGAINST it, but the appeal is "not heard".

The monitoring will show equity drawdowns at the MK limit and the MK itself, which will become an anti-advertisement.

But he's going full steam ahead with advertising here...and he won't pay a penny to the site holder...

forte928 писал(а) >>

But he's running a full-blown ad here... not paying a penny to the site's owner...

and yet there's 1 in 1,000 who believes him :)


Well, the man needs to earn money somehow, I've already shown him by the time criterion that his forecast grew by 1.5 months in 2 weeks, even though that forecast still had an error of 10-20%

Man also does not take into account the factor that any wave always consists of smaller waves of the same plan, but may be more fluctuations and it makes the stretching in time and level of reversal ... not always wave A = wave C, there is always a stretching or narrowing of the wave C

forte928 писал(а) >>

Well, the man needs to earn money somehow, I've already shown him by the time criterion that his forecast grew by 1.5 months in 2 weeks, even though that forecast still had an error of 10-20%

Man also does not take into account the factor that any wave always consists of smaller waves of the same plan, but may be more fluctuations and this leads to stretching in time and level of reversal ... not always wave A = wave C, there is always a stretching or narrowing of the wave C

The main criterion of the trading strategy is to make the deposit grow permanently, everything else is a compromise...

As for now nobody among the active opponents could show us how to trade, just words, empty words,

As for the time being no one out of active spiteful people have posted and are unlikely to post their trading account password here...

NYROBA писал(а) >>

The main criterion of a trading strategy is that the deposit should constantly grow, everything else is a compromise...

As for now, none of the active opponents have been able to show us how to trade, just words, empty words,

As for now none of the active spiteful people have so far posted and unlikely to post their investment password here...


Wait until I complete the system to the fullest and then I will show it to you...

And you still haven't put your investment password here, but you'll poke others...

forte928 писал(а) >>

Wait until I finish the system fully and then I will show you...

waiting........... long time waiting............... wait... how long? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


waiting........... a long time waiting............... how long? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

"A couple of weeks" (c) )

Laugh it up... You've been digging out your system for several years... What I did from scratch in two months... You practically draw everything by hand, I draw everything in semi-automatic mode, I'll bring it up to semi-automatic calculation level, then I'll show you how the system should work...
Pegasmaster писал(а) >>

Just lock your onyx account. And ALL the questions will go away.

I doubt that very much. At the beginning of the thread they said that the account was a demo, that the screenshots were drawn,

but when you uploaded your username and password and made sure the account was a trading account, there were no less questions,

on the contrary, the detractors got even more excited.... :)))))