Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 78

ULAD писал(а) >>


61.8% of what? Of the deposit?

Read Glenn Neely's book so you don't have to ask stupid questions! ;-)

Attached here for the especially lazy. Here's what the book looks like.

desktop.rar  3268 kb

Humiliate only those who are not on the subject!

And most importantly don't want to at least read the book.

Many people here are on the subject... And many have read more than we have (me personally). The main thing here is to perceive (what you have read, studied) in conjunction with how you really perceive the whole market with what you have read and studied. In other words, do not think that your version of the wave layout is the only one and indefinable. Every wave-patterner has a different one... Although the theory is the same for all (its axioms, its theorems), but each person perceives them differently ... your analysis may differ from mine ... Although I think we studied at the same school... Wavelength analysis, it is different for everyone, if 10 wave directors get together and discuss trends in the market.... I think they would quarrel...

There is no consensus... there is no one prediction... there is only speculation...

there is only YOUR personal opinion, and saying that all the volnoviks agree with you, it's not wise, because I'm with you in the branch "in a couple of weeks" argued that the yen is too soon to return to 120 (and you predicted it almost 150, and oil 10-12 quid), it seems and analysis is the same .... but the conclusions are different.... I personally think your B and C waves are long overdue... and if I'm right, you're in big trouble...... :о)

I personally, always!!! have used two markings... i.e. one main (as i thought) and one alternate (but with at least 40% probability), i.e. if i have only one variant of prediction and cannot predict the price passing in a completely different direction, then fuck that analysis!!! But you have only one option right now... only as you see the waves... that is, there is no other option... you probably know what I mean ....

If you act without an alternative, there really is little chance of winning, because convincing yourself that only your wave pattern is the truth... is not quite right...)

PS sorry mate... but I know what you mean... a few years ago, I was like that myself...

RomanS писал(а) >>

A lot of people here are on the subject... And many have read more than we have (me personally). The main thing here is to perceive (what you have read, studied) in conjunction with how you really perceive the entire market with what you have read and studied. In other words, do not think that your version of the wave layout is the only one and indefinable. Every wave-patterner has a different one... Although the theory is the same for all (its axioms, its theorems), but each person perceives them differently ... your analysis may differ from mine ... Although I think we studied at the same school... Wavelength analysis, it is different for everyone, if 10 wave directors get together and discuss trends in the market.... I think they would quarrel...

There is no consensus... there is no one prediction... there is only speculation...

there is only YOUR personal opinion, and saying that all the volnoviks agree with you, it's not wise, because I'm with you in the branch "in a couple of weeks" argued that the yen is too soon to return to 120 (and you predicted it almost 150, and oil 10-12 quid), it seems and analysis is the same .... but the conclusions are different.... I personally think your B and C waves are long overdue... and if I'm right, you're in big trouble...... :о)

I personally, have always!!! used two markings... i.e. one main (as i thought) and one alternate (but with at least 40% probability), i.e. if i have only one option and cannot predict the price passing in a completely different direction, then fuck that analysis!!! But you have only one option right now... only as you see the waves... that is, there is no other option... you probably know what I mean ....

If you act without an alternative, there really is little chance of winning, because convincing yourself that only your wave pattern is the truth... is not quite right...)

PS sorry mate... but i understand you...a few years ago, was like that myself....

Totally agree, but I didn't claim my markings were the one and only.

I think the "right" markup is the one that helps you make a deposit. :)


I totally agree, but I didn't claim that my markup is the only and unique one.

I believe that the "right" layout is the one that helps to increase the deposit, all the rest is evil. :)

Good luck then... Fight... I see you have a lot of opponents :)

By the way, have you considered the possibility that the C-wave has already ended a long time ago? I mean the EUROBAX pair ...



Get a book by Glenn Neely so you don't have to ask stupid questions! ;-)

Attached for the especially lazy ones. This is what the book looks like.

No need to poke the book.

You should just say that the wave analysis is on the 1-minute chart. And the targets at 1.2600.

No further questions. >> : For today.

RomanS писал(а) >>

Good luck then... Fight... I see you have a lot of opponents :)

By the way, have you considered the possibility that the C wave has already ended a long time ago? I mean the EUROBAX pair...

What if...

I thought the current one was a c-wave and I thought the Euro would accelerate to 1.5 because the

s-waves are always rapid, i.e. they cover big distances in a short period of time.

I started to look for the reason of the wave delay, analyzed the stock indices, oil

and other currency pairs and compared the dates of the beginning of the crisis (global corrections)

and understood that it is only a B-wave in a B-wave of a bigger Order, I expect a c-wave down, i.e. a drastic euro collapse to 1.26.


I initially thought that the current one was a c-wave and that's why I

I thought the Euro would get to 1.5 quickly because

s-waves are always rapid, i.e. they cover great distances in a short time interval.

I started to look for the reason of the wave delay, analyzed the stock indices, oil

and other currency pairs and compared the dates of the crisis (global corrections) and realized that it was just a

B-wave in a B-wave of a bigger order, I expect a c-wave down, i.e. a rapid fall of the Euro to 1.26.

But, there are also truncated waves... What if the second move towards the target was a truncated C wave,

Oh, and also,

what's there... Maybe it ended even earlier....

RomanS >> :

I personally, have always!!! used two markings... i.e. one main (as i thought) and one alternate (but with at least 40% probability), i.e. if i have only one option and cannot predict the price movement in a completely different direction, then fuck that analysis !!!

I'm not a wavehunter but the postulate is interesting,

there are objective laws according to which the market moves, and according to these laws there is invariance of movement at any time ?

>> Am I retelling your thought correctly?

There will be no precipitous collapse at 1.4514, 1.4291, 1.3930 - there are bound to be consolidations.
But the 1.4341 pullback point looks more reasonable - this is the first global pullback point in the weekly TF where the consolidation will take place.