Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 161

NYROBA писал(а) >>

Yes, for the deposit to grow continuously, profits must be withdrawn, i.e. an artificial correction (b-wave) must be created.

Profit also obeys the laws of the Wave Theory, there is never an infinite A-wave, if you do not withdraw it, its part remains in the market.

If you withdraw 38.2% of the deposit, then subsequent transactions are again in profit, i.e., it will increase by 261.8%

If you withdraw 61.8% of the deposit, you should make the next withdrawal at 161.8% of the b-wave.

It defies all logic, strange as it may seem, but it works! :)

Check it out, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. :)

I will withdraw 38.2% of the deposit ;o)

Helex wrote >>

Fibonacci is like feng shui for mathematicians )

To be always healthy, cheerful and immortal, you need to shit properly.
>> Shit in feng shui.
>> How?
I'll tell you how.
It's very simple, you just have to remember six short rules.

Rule one.
If you feel the urge to take a shit, don't put it off under any circumstances.
No matter where, when or under what circumstances you have the urge.
Do this very important process of life immediately, even if there is no familiar toilet nearby.
How many of you have been to China?
Have you? Oh, you've been too?
Have you seen the Chinese often take a shit in the street?
There! That's it!
It's the enlightened minority who shit according to feng shui - wherever they want, that's where they sit!
Shitting in accordance with feng shui has also appeared in Russia in recent years as evidenced by lifts, parks, entryways, staircases...
(I myself once shat in a car while standing in a traffic jam on Novy Arbat.
What's the big deal? Feng shui!
I took a nice black suit with gold lettering, threw it on the backseat, opened it, shoved it under my ass, stood up to the steering wheel and took a nice little shit.)
Not exactly feng shui, but very close to it.
Why not quite fancy?
Read the next rule.

Rule number two.
Sra, keep your back very, very straight!
Whether sitting on the toilet, or squatting in a nook or the middle of the supermarket sales floor.
No matter where.
The spine should always aim perpendicular to the cosmos. Then all cosmic energy flows are much more powerful, putting a direct positive pressure on the rectum.
(Experiment with a tube of paste.
A straight tube will squeeze the paste out much quicker than a curved one.)
Once you are in the right position - your back is straight, your head is squarely on your shoulders and your eyes are pointed straight ahead - the third rule comes into play.

Rule three.
Sra, close your eyes, make a few undulating movements with your stomach muscles in order to collect all the shit in your body in one place, namely in the rectum, and concentrate on the process itself, imagining mentally the moment when your shit is passing through the sphincter ring.
As you meditate, say goodbye to your shit leaving your body forever, thanking it for it. Then the shit won't take your energy.
Never put your head down trying to look between your legs to see your shit! It might think you're sorry to part with it and not come out fully.
And then the fourth rule will be broken.

Rule four.
Sra, under no circumstances should you push. This can cause an energy shift, visual impairment due to increased pressure on the eyeball, and even a brain haemorrhage.
Relax the sphincter (ring muscle) completely and smile broadly, for the turd leaving your body should know that you are saying goodbye to it with joy and gratitude, fully opening the way to its freedom and not wanting to keep a single gram for yourself.
In that case shit will come out evenly and smoothly, as one whole monolith, which is very important for implementation of the fifth rule.

Rule five.
Sra, you have to regulate the height of the sphincter above the surface, gradually raising your ass so that your shit, as a monolith, will come out fully and in no way fall to the side, but stay there.
Stand proudly pointing upwards into the abyss of the Universe above your head, like a spaceship on the launching pad aiming for a flight to other worlds. Then flows of cosmic energy, going through your straight backbone, will come back to your body, absorb and save for you the thermal energy emitted by you.
And finally -

Rule six, the last and most important.
Sra, under no circumstances breathe through your nose.
Feng shui categorically and irrevocably rejects the Russian saying, "Your shit doesn't smell!"
In feng shui, shit smells, and it does!
Inhaling the smell of your shit, you leave nostalgia for it in your genetic memory and an immense, universal feeling of love for it.
And in feng shui, you can't love shit!
You can only respect shit for leaving you its energy and for being a part of you, but you cannot love it in any way.

If you follow these simple rules you will join the United Universal Energy Centre and live happily ever after!

But what if you have diarrhea, you may ask? Or constipated?
Diarrhea and constipation are signs of incomplete union with cosmic energy flows, signs of mental and physical unhealthiness, and unhealthiness has no place in feng shui.

LeoV >> :

Len ...


well, uh...

I don't know...

Maybe we should shorten it...

like, uh... like, uh... like, uh... like, uh...

Mischek писал(а) >>

Len ...


well, uh...

well, that's not...

the main thing is to take your profits according to the fibonacci - the rest is not e.....))

You can't bullshit a bullshitter......))))


You can keep your profits, but there is a high probability that sooner or later you will lose everything,

If you use risky methods like yours (no stops, averaging against the trend, aggressive MM), then the loss is inevitable.

The fact that you admit it is a positive thing.

So you are not familiar with the fact that there are profitable systems, people and robots that have been trading profitably for years.

What if you trade on an investor's account, and the investor wants to reinvest profits, and not withdraw them?

In this case you have to look them in the eyes of investors and tell them before they accept their account, that they will lose their profit.

It's just a question of when.

Especially for Leonie

By the way, when profits are taken out of the account in order to spend them (like salary for example), it is quite normal.

If profits are withdrawn from the account as an insurance measure, it indicates insecurity in the TS and nothing else.

Such an TS is a drain. How can it work for the author: the author takes control of several accounts and

and periodically feeds on profits until the account is drained. There are a lot of accounts (suckers are coming), so it is possible to use this way to feed infinitely.

so you can feed yourself indefinitely. Plus sell analytics and training.


All demo accounts are doomed to fail sooner or later, because you can't withdraw profit from a demo.

And if with the next build it will be possible to withdraw from the account and transfer to a virtual bank account, the problem of losing YOUR demo accounts will be solved ?

And according to your observations are there no other equally effective reasons and formulas for withdrawal - full moon, sense of pursuit, sounds, signals from space ?

LeoV писал(а) >>

To be always healthy, cheerful and immortal, you have to shit properly.
Shit according to feng shui.

Leonid, I didn't expect such creativity from you! :(

From whom OTHER (a black American despiser for example), but from YOU....

It's sad... Where are we going?

Alexan писал(а) >>

Leonid, I didn't expect such creativity from you! :(

From whom OTHER (a black American despiser for example), but from YOU....

It's sad... Where are we going?

Don't get so upset. It wasn't my idea - it was my comrade who gave me the idea....))) Life is much tougher than that.....

And if we take our profits based on fibonacci,we're gonna totally roll away......))))) Where to? I don't know.....))))


Yes, in order for the deposit to grow continuously, profits must be withdrawn, i.e. an artificial correction (b-wave) must be created.

Sir, do you have a hereditary or self-inflicted schizophrenia?