Online trading on Wave Theory (NIROBA method) - page 167


There's a suggestion--

he posted it for a few seconds, skimmed the thread and ... deleted it.

Now you can write for a month that you posted it, and whoever missed it is too late

Mischek писал(а) >> he's already posted it (the invest) for a few seconds and ...deleted it

He's got a hard job - 2 seconds in an hour counts.....


And why, if it's no secret!!! Such negativity towards the author of the thread???

And in general, trading in public is psychologically difficult.

LeoV >> :

He's got a hard job - 2 seconds in an hour counts.....

and half a year in "a couple of weeks" is not linear time series hypertrophy

KENTukiec >> :

And why, if it's no secret!!! Such negativity towards the author of the thread???

And in general, trading in public is difficult psychologically.

You should read it from the first page, it's a pity there is no previous thread, 350 pages. - >> that would immediately answer all your questions.

KENTukiec >> :

And why, if it's no secret!!! Such negativity towards the author of the thread???

And in general it is difficult psychologically to trade publicly.

No secrets, no negativity, a sea of sympathy and a herd of potential customers

Invest before RomanS puts the remains of the drum on your head.

KENTukiec писал(а) >>

And why, if it's no secret!!! Such negativity towards the author of the thread???

And trading in public is psychologically difficult.

No one forced him to say so. He said it all himself - everyone is asking him to confirm what he said. It's hard in public? - trade in silence at home. Nobody's forcing him to trade publicly.....))))

Mischek писал(а) >>

How long does it take to get an investor off?

Fucking retarded...


RomanS must have broken the drum by now...

Don't you know that it won't be posted HERE ... about 100 pages back there is a stash with a post about "login-password" ... that's where you should go and look for it... for those who want to, of course... and those who don't even want to look up the password don't need to know it...

and the time is ticking...


So maybe he's not happy with that kind of pressure, if I'm not mistaken he gave someone a password, but for a short period of time I think!!!!

And what happened in previous threads I don't know!!!!

KENTukiec >> :

And why, if it's no secret!!! Such negativity towards the author of the branch???

In general, it is psychologically difficult to trade publicly.

I do not have any negativity towards the author of the branch, it's just that you write one thing to him, and he bends his nonsense.

He says something about monitoring, but he puts all the investments on the forum for 5 seconds on some 68th page of this thread.

And about public trading - nobody forced him to do it, he created the branch "Trading by Wave Theory (NIROBA method)".

So where's the "online"? >> So where's the "trade"?