EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1990

EricGR >>:

я давно в рынке, его я не оставляю одного ни на минуту) айда референдум на форуме проведем или тайное голосование)))

let's start with you your vote)))

MGA писал(а) >>
Now comes the uncertainty of what to do to close the sel or wait an hour????????????

  • USA: Philadelphia Fed Index (1400)
  • USA: speech by Fed member Lacker (1430) Could the celebration continue!? .....
AlexSTAL писал(а) >>

Not about this gap, but about the fact that there were unclosed gaps on history, I showed an example above
That it closed after 23k new points is ridiculous :-))))

Where did you see such figures? 23000 pips... There has never been such a move in the history of the euro... Or in the fifth sign as Alpari counts?

Alexan писал(а) >>

Where did you see such figures? 23,000 points... There has never been such a move in the history of the euro... Or in the fifth digit like Alpari counts?

In the fifth.... 2,300 in the usual
MGA >>:

начнем с вас ваш голос)))

No, please... decide for yourself, no such good will come of it)))
Tantrik >>:

  • США: индекс ФРБ Филадельфии (1400)
  • США: выступление члена ФРС Лэкера (Lacker) (1430) Может быть продолжиться праздник.!?.....

A holiday is good, but where do we get the patience for a holiday)))

Hello all ... just got to the terminal ... sold on the top last night and it's nice to see now ...

got to the blue channel reference line .... can stay there a bit longer ... I don't want to close the sell yet ... after the correction I'd better go long ... I think we'll fall at least until the first red line ... I prefer the second ... and there is the denouement of the whole movement ....

I'll remind you that I've already posted it...


When will I become a moderator on the branch, they do not let Ms Galina say a word, Gip does not catch mice at all, Stranger's whole family got drunk and does not show up. m15 chart, direction at Ms Galina's request.
MGA писал(а) >>

a holiday is good but where can one find the patience for a holiday)))

You probably never went fishing, you read some clever books, installed electronic shepherds and now you breed animals...

In this case, you can only advise to go to the surface of planet Earth to look around and do the business which is closer to your heart and brings more pleasure from the work done - because Forex for you is just another toy ...