EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1989

forte928 писал(а) >>

Do you happen to guess that trend and flat are one and the same?

Entry by intuition exit by money... indicators for comfort.

forte928 писал(а) >>

I don't suppose you can guess that trend and flat are one and the same?

I'd like to correct. Trend = upward movement 1.
2 descending
3 sideways. They just coined the word FLAT to make it easier to understand.

Who was there asking about entry and exit, have a taste.
Tantrik >>:

вход по интуиции выход по деньгам... индикаторы для комфорта.

"the amateurs come out the professionals"

now it is uncertain what to do to close the sel or wait an hour????????????
MGA >>:
сейчас настала неопределенность что делать закрывать сел или обождать часок????????????

Do you need a dozen more predictions for you to make a decision!?
EricGR >>:

Для вас еще десяток прогнозов нужно? что бы принять решение!?

And for you?

Bocman писал(а) >>

I would like to correct TREND = this movement 1 rising
2 descending
3 sideways - they just coined the word FLAT to make it easier to understand

This is the classical definition of a directed trend but in addition to a directed trend, there is also a time frame for a change in a directed trend which defines the total change in direction from one direction to another...
MGA писал(а) >>
now it's uncertain what to do to close sel or wait an hour????????????

How about a pipsqueak for you as well?

MGA >>:

а для вас?

I've been in the market for a long time, I don't leave him alone for a minute)))) Come on, let's have a referendum on the forum or a secret ballot)))