EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1985

and they were promised 32
Skymaster писал(а) >>

What good is a low yield? Which bank would you take your money to, the one with 10% interest or 1%? I doubt anyone would take money to a bank with a 1% annual return...

And with 40 billion euros to go... the whole eurozone is on the boil.

It's a little different. The yield on a bond determines the risk level of the issuer. At low yields the risks are minimal. For example bonds of Sberbank, Gazprom, with yields of around 6-8%. The yield on government securities in the money market is around 3%-5%.
But there are BFGs, with yields of 20%-60%... But such sham offices close on the same day.

The yield on the bonds is lower than the bank yield.
Roffild >>:
Вверх еще не скоро, если не гепанет. Обвал был плавным на М5-М15

Good point!

MaximuS60 писал(а) >>
and they were promised 32.

>> I guess they decided to add a sinker.
MGA >>:
щель на графике мешает)))

Not much... it's not a stock market, the rules are different


EricGR >>:

ни сколько.. это вам не акции, на валютном рынке иные правила

Credit Agricole recommends selling the euro-usd pair at 1.3532. fall to 1.3345!

AlexSTAL писал(а) >>

On September 29, 2008, for example, the 380 point gap was not closed.

September 29, 2008. Market close previous at 1.4613. Opening 1.4517. Gap partially closed a few days later at 1.4575. Completely closed only in December of the same year.
The next gap is 1.3771 to 1.3637, closed by the candlestick at 1.3785. The gap will close sooner or later. Just need patience :))))
Alexan >>:

29 сентября 2008 года. Закрытие рынка предыдущее - 1,4613. Открытие 1,4517. Гэп частично закрыт через несколько дней на 1,4575. Полностью закрыт только в декабре того же года.
Следующий гэп 1,3771 до 1,3637 закрыт свечей на 1,3785. Гэп рано или позно закрывается. Нужно только терпение :))))


Alexan писал(а) >>

29 September 2008. Market close previous at 1.4613. Opening 1.4517. Gap partially closed a few days later at 1.4575. Completely closed only in December of the same year.
The next gap is 1.3771 to 1.3637, closed by the candlestick at 1.3785. The gap will close sooner or later. Just need patience :))))

Well yes, 3 months to wait and dozens of figures to endure :-)))))))