EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1725

AST >>:
ребята! будет намного удобней в этой комнате, все под рукой! можно сказать весь рынок как на ладони все что нужно!

the idea is good, but the speed of the site is very slow.... "great" should be easier!


Hi all! Closed my boo sale yesterday, triggered the bystop at 1.3505, if we pass 1.352, I will wait for the stop at 1.355/1.36.
Globally, still inclined to sell, I will consider a reversal above 1.361 (61 Fibo)


Hello all!!!
I see the picture hasn't changed since yesterday.


Earth traders

Why Soros decided to "drop" the euro? Unknown problems of the EU and secrets of European politics

Much has been writtenabout George Soros'ambitious plans to "drop" the euro to the level of parity with the U.S. dollar (1EUR=1USD).
Analysts actively comment on the statements of the billionaire, instead of trying to rise to the level of the largest "currency speculator", to analyze his logic of "choosing a victim" and the problems of the European Union hidden from the world and to understand - what caused the euro to fall and what will raise it, as it overcomes the problems listed below?

The current problems of the EU and its national currency, skillfully handled by the world's media and unknown puppeteers, were reduced to just one problem - that of Greece, which became the culprit of the 2nd wave crisis in the world, the fall of the Euro, and the threat of the EU's collapse.
But just look at one figure - Greece's GDP is just 2% of the European GDP - and it becomes clear that someone wants to present the Greek "cause" as the European "cause".

What are the real causes of the EU crisis, its sore spots and weak links that every serious investor should know and keep in mind?

EU: European paradise or European hell?

Until recently, the European Union was only talked about in a high style - the biggest interstate association of modern times, with a population of almost 500 million people, producing about 30% of world's GDP, controlling 17% of world trade - a huge solvent market. And the euro is the new world currency that humanity will switch to once the US collapses in about a year... maybe two or maybe three or four more years (read more "Why is the US prospering while the rest of the world awaits the default of the last superpower?").

However, the global financial crisis of 2008 has sobered up many politicians, economists, and financial analysts, who have rushed... to the opposite extreme. The influential, and not so influential, media have been flooded with headlines capable of causing sleep deprivation among Europeans and global investors: "the European spiral", "the failed project", "goodbye EU", "how soon the EU will become the Soviet Union" and so on. Reputable international experts, such as New York University professor Nouriel Roubini, George Soros, a renowned financier, the bankers of Société Générale, all together prophesy the collapse of the monetary union, and even the European Union itself.

Astrologers and... The intelligence services have joined in the catastrophic scenario. Globa predicted the disappearance of a united European Union by 2020, predicting that the EU would be replaced by several European Unions: the Southern European Union, the Northern European Union, the Eastern European Union, etc. The same date (before Globa), as the time of the possible collapse of the EU, was called by the CIA. For the layman such a mixture of mysticism and the CIA (the intelligence service of the EU's main rival) can create confusion and maybe panic.

Where does the EU come from danger?

The fact that the EU is facing a serious challenge is no longer open to debate. If the economic plight of Greece is just an excuse, what are the reasons?

More serious is the danger of a chain reaction, a domino effect. After all, the risk group in the EU is growing larger every day. Situations are not easy in Greece (113% of national debt to GDP), Italy (national debt to 110% of GDP), Spain (20% unemployment, 12,4% deficit), Portugal (9,3% deficit, Fitch lowered the credit rating to negative). According to some estimates, the combined debt owed to banks by these three countries exceeds €1.3 trillion.

Alexan писал(а) >>

Earth traders

MasterForex is an amateur trader :)

exi писал(а) >>

>>MasterForex is an amateur bobblehead :)

This is just to clear my head. It came in the mail. Thought I'd share. Some will laugh, some will download :)))
waitra писал(а) >>

Hi all! Closed my boo sale yesterday, triggered the bystop at 1.3505, if we pass 1.352, I will wait for the stop at 1.355/1.36.
I am still shorting globally, I will consider the reversal above 1.361 (61 Fibo)

The weekend broke up the waves picture a bit, but if you look carefully, yesterday at 19-05 we started the fifth wave of correction of the fourth wave - so our whole movement is focused on the level of reaching 1.3670 (cashier for you personally - may be we use shadows to reach 1.3700) the further movement after this point will be directed downwards completely, because we will turn around and go to the fifth wave of descending movement to the point 1.2200 - this is a rough estimation, but this point is quite logical... We will meet some pullbacks on our way, but such global ones as this one is unlikely, but after that - it is another story...
Alexan писал(а) >>

It's just to clear my head... It came in the mail. Thought I'd share. Somebody laugh, somebody download :)))

I'm not saying he's wrong. He's a smart man anyway.... It's just that his posts are always "sensational" :)

And if it's a matter of fact....., the markup is starting to work. I also got a signal to go up, using third-party systems. So everything is developing within the framework of the indicated scenario.
exi писал(а) >>

And to the point....., the markup is starting to be fulfilled. I also got a signal for growth from third party systems. So everything is developing within the framework of the indicated scenario.

Please, go into detail here. What markup are we talking about? Can I have a picture?

forte928 писал(а) >>

The weekend broke up the wave picture a bit, but if you look closely, yesterday at 19-05 we started the fifth wave of correction of the fourth wave - so all our movement is focused on the level of reaching 1.3670 (the trader for you personally - maybe with shadows we will jump to 1.3700). the further movement after this point will be directed downwards completely, because we will turn around and go to the fifth wave of descending movement to the point 1.2200 - this is a rough estimation, but this point is quite logical... We will meet some pullbacks on our way, but such global ones as this one is unlikely, but further on - this is another story...

Why 670?