EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1731

mixo_lexus >>: это пока всё...

I was looking for cycles of anything from 7 to 10 days... so I thought I'd see what's up with the Moon and the Sun...

mixo_lexus >>: это пока всё...

Not much to analyse. I would have to find the data in text equivalent. I'll e-mail it to them =).
I've been meaning to calculate these correlations for a long time.

sol >>:

Маловато для анализа. Надо бы отыскать данные в текстовом эквиваленте. Напишу ка им по почте =).
Давно собирался эти корреляции посчитать.

%) .. Yes there are some interesting points there...

I'll bother you again, I'm the one with the nano account. What's the destination we're going to go to?
lexxora >>:
Я снова Вас побеспокою, я тот, который с нано счетом. А до какой цели мы пойдем?

:))))) UNTIL WE TURN AROUND :)))))

Alexan >>:

И тут их заклинило :)))

And why is it Galina is not hitting on me, I went away for an hour, I thought there was already shouting.))) Alexan, what do you think, will we go below 1.3267?
What is the silence, the district committee is closed, everyone went to the front?))

I'll bother you again, I'm the one with the nano account. What's the destination we're going to go to?
lexxora >>:
Я снова Вас побеспокою, я тот, который с нано счетом. А до какой цели мы пойдем?

Up to 2.0543. Didn't the nanorobots say?

lexxora писал(а) >>
I'll bother you again, I'm the one with the nano account. What's the target we're going to go to?

(times are given in UTC/GMT)
(11:00 - 13:00 - end of trading turnover on oil trading floors, Dubai, Qatar, Emirates etc, they don't seem to need dollars either, as oil trade is for dollars, most often Euro growth ;)

strangerr писал(а) >>

And why is it Galina is not hitting on me, I went away for an hour, I thought there was already shouting)))) Alexan, what do you think, will we go below 1.3267?
What is the silence, the district committee is closed, everybody went to the front?)))

I don't know. It seems to me we won't go that low yet. The gap should close. Maybe today, maybe on the payrolls. I've got a better chance of going up yet. It's almost a phyfit/phyfty, though. I'm watching more of the pound and the yup and the euro. Warming the slippage, man :(