EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1726

Alexan писал(а) >>

Please elaborate on this point. What kind of markings are we talking about? Can I see a picture?

Yours. by GBP. incorrectly expanding. forgotten ? :)
exi писал(а) >>

I'm not saying he's wrong. The man is clever either way.... It's just that every time he has a post it's a scoop :)

And to the point..... the markup is starting to happen. I also got a signal to go up, using third-party systems. So everything is developing within the framework of the indicated scenario.

Scenario at 1EUR=0.96USD - I agree - I am attaching the picture...

not a bad indicator who might like it, just one chart better because it is bootable

exi писал(а) >>

Yours. by GBP. incorrectly expanding. forgotten ? :)

Ahhhh, Semen Semenych :)))) I'm a bit confused. Thought it was the Euro we were talking about. (May I call you by the way )

Stranger, wake up, everyone is already trading! Or are you preparing your garden for potatoes again?
forte928 >>:

Выходные немного разбили картинку волн но в принципе если внимательно приглядеться то вчера в 19-05 унас началась пятая волна коррекциоооной четвертой волны - поэтому наше все движение состедоточено на уровне достижения 1.3670 (стренжер лично для тебя - может быть тенями поскочим до 1.3700). дальнейшее движение после этой точки уже будет полностью направленно вниз т.к. мы развернемся и пойдем на пятой волне нисходящего движения к точке 1.2200 - это грубая оценка но эта точка вполне закономерна..На пути у нас еще будут встречаться откаты но такие глобальные как был этот уже наврядли..но а дальше - это уже другая история..

I've got the rip at 1.3650 and then we can go down, I don't mind)))

I wouldn't give up shorts so quickly if I were you.
1. The high we showed over the weekend, 1.3525, has not yet been taken. This is the great resistance I was writing about.
2. We have not had one single daily candle with the closing price higher than 1.35. But when we do, I will reconsider everything fundamentally.
3. The most important thing perhaps, we have a monthly closing candle coming up !!! So I think it would be reasonable not to do anything till that moment.
Well, I personally will stand aside for now.
oleniknik >>:
А я пока не выхожу с продаж ... подожду ....

The main couples are balancing on the edge. I don't think anything is clear yet. What does the macaroni say?

Galina писал(а) >>
I wouldn't give up shorts so quickly if I were you.
1. The high we showed on the weekend was 1.3525. at the moment it has not yet been taken. It's that festering resistance I was writing about.
2. We have not had one single daily candle with the closing price higher than 1.35. But when we do, I will reconsider everything fundamentally.
3. The most important thing perhaps, we have a monthly closing candle coming up !!! So I think it would be reasonable not to do anything till that moment.
Well, I personally will stand aside for now.

Gal, we already got 1.3536.
Galina писал(а) >>
I wouldn't be so quick to give up the shorts if I were you.
1. The high we showed on the weekend was 1.3525. at the moment it has not yet been taken. It's that festering resistance I was writing about.
2. We have not had one single daily candle with the closing price higher than 1.35. But when we do, I will reconsider everything fundamentally.
3. The most important thing perhaps, we have a monthly closing candle coming up !!! So I think it would be reasonable not to do anything till that moment.
Well, I personally will stand aside for now.

Galina, do you remember, I drew a picture at the weekend, there was the third wave, and now the fifth one is forming. And the fact that it will shake us for a long time - so it has such vicissitudes about its movement, because the first and the second waves were tight, moreover, the third wave is moving very slowly, and therefore we will have a long and tedious swing to the upper point...
forte928 >>:

Галина помнишь я на выходных картинку рисовал - так там была третья волна, а сейчас формируется пятаяи то тчо она нас долго будет качать- так это у нее такие превратности по ее движению т.к. первая и вторая волна было сжатые, тем более треться то следовательно у нас намечается раскачка долгая и нудная по достижению верхней точки..

I don't know about anyone, but I'm already pumped by this 5th wave to ....))))